Grammatically they are all OK, although some sound better than others. In #4 "then" means "at that time."
1. You grew so much the last few days.
1-1. You grew so much for the last few days.
(Was 'for' omitted in #1? Are both OK?)
2. I am ready to go abroad.
I am ready for going abroad.
I am ready for the trip.
I am ready for soccer.
I am ready for playing soccer.
(Are all grammatical?)
3. I don't want to stay in the dark.
3-1. I don't want to stay in the darkness.
(Are both correct?)
4. Soon it will be warm. Then I will try to go out.
(What is the meaning of 'Then'? Does it mean 'At that time, After that, or In that case'?)
5. She pecked at the ground and found the first seed.
5-1. She pecked the ground and found the first seed.
(Are both OK?)
1 answer