1. Work in your group to complete this task.

2. Brainstorm and mind map codes of conduct for the following topics;

2.1. Dress code

2.2. Behaviour code

2.3. Accepting and giving gifts

2.4. Dealing with confidential information

3. Present your mind map to the rest of the class for comment.

1 answer

Group Task: Creating Codes of Conduct

1. Work in your group to complete this task.

- Divide the group into smaller teams, with each team responsible for brainstorming and mind mapping codes of conduct for a specific topic.
- Assign a leader for each team to ensure a smooth process of brainstorming and mind mapping.
- Set a time limit for each team to complete their task.

2. Brainstorm and mind map codes of conduct for the following topics:

2.1. Dress Code

- Dress appropriately for the occasion or in accordance with the organization's guidelines.
- Avoid wearing offensive or inappropriate clothing.
- Maintain a neat and presentable appearance.
- Always follow any safety regulations related to dress.

2.2. Behavior Code

- Treat others with respect, kindness, and professionalism.
- Avoid discrimination, harassment, or any form of offensive behavior.
- Follow the organization's rules and guidelines at all times.
- Be mindful of personal actions and their potential impact on others.

2.3. Accepting and Giving Gifts

- Accept or give gifts within the limits set by the organization's policies.
- Refrain from accepting or giving gifts that may create conflicts of interest or compromise ethical standards.
- Report any gifts received that violate the organization's policies.
- Promote transparency and fairness when accepting or giving gifts.

2.4. Dealing with Confidential Information

- Respect and protect any confidential information entrusted to you.
- Only share confidential information with authorized individuals.
- Follow the organization's protocols for storing, accessing, and disposing of confidential information.
- Report any unauthorized access to or disclosure of confidential information.

3. Present your mind map to the rest of the class for comment.

- Each team will present their mind map to the rest of the class, explaining the rationale behind their codes of conduct.
- The class can provide feedback, suggestions, or ask questions to further enhance the codes of conduct.
- Use this feedback to refine and finalize the codes of conduct, if needed.