1. Why is Lincoln giving a speech at Gettysburg?

A.To declare the Confederacy an outlaw nation
B.To declare that to goal of the Union is to abolish slavery
C.To dedicate a national cemetery for Union and Confederate dead
D.To try Confederate soldiers for treason

2.When Lincoln says "our fatehrs brought forth on this contient a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" what document is he referring to
A.The COnstitution of US
B.The articles of Confederation
C.The Mayflower Compact
D.The Dec of Independence

3.When lincoln says "Now we are engeaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that nation or any nation so concevied and so dedicated can long endure" what is he saying the Civil War is a test of?
A. The Unions military strength
B.The righteousness of the institution of slavery
C.The Idea of Democracy and representative gov
D. The issue of states rights

4.When lincoln states "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain== that his nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-- and that gov of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth," what type of gov is he talking about?
A.A dictatorship
B.Democracy and representative gov
C.Military Occupation of the Confederacy
D.State's Rights of the Confederacy

2 answers

1 - No. Read the speech.
2 - yes
3 - yes
4 - yes
In my reading it says "President Abe Lincoln traveled to the site of the battle to dedicate the field as a national cemetery. President Lincoln was not the guest speaker there but was asked to make a brief closing statement in dedication of this soldiers cemetery and in honor of the men who fought and died there both Union and Confederacy"
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