1. Why did Hoover oppose the federal government's participation in relief programs?

A: Hoover opposed the federal government's participation in relief programs because he believed that only state and city governments should dispense relief.

2. How did Americans react as the Depression continued?

A: As the Great Depression continued, Americans had seemed resigned to bad economic news. By 1931, however, they were growing increasingly discontented, and open acts of revolt began to occur.

3. Explain the significance of the stock market crash, including Black Tuesday.

A: On October 29, a day later dubbed Black Tuesday, prices took the steepest dive after a week of falling prices. That day stocks lost $10 to $15 billion in value. By mid-November, stock prices had dropped by over one-third. Some $30 billion was lost, a sum roughly equal to the total wages earned by Americans in 1929. The stock market crash was not the major cause of the Great Depression, but it underminded the economy's ability to hold out against its other weakenesses such as the tailspin of failing banks.

4. What did business leaders promise Hoover they would do to help the economy? Did they keep their promises?

A: Business leaders promised Hoover they would keep factories open and stop slashing wages. However, they did not keep their promises.

5. Why did the federal government decide to dam the Colorado River?

A: The federal government decided to dam the Colorado River because it was the only way they could control it; the river was extremely unpredictable.

6. Why did engineers choose the Black Canyon site for the Hoover Dam?

A: Engineers chose the Black Canyon site because its high rock walls made it ideal.

2 answers

These are good answers. Are they all in your own words, though?

In your answer to #2, you might want to say why people were engaging in (a few) acts of rebellion. Were they happy? Were they just resigned and passive? Were they fearful and angry?
2020-2021 or 2022???