1.Whom does the wind visit in the poem,'Daybreak'?What does it say to poem?( Brot Q)
2 answers
Which poem? Longfellow and Donne both wrote poems titled "Daybreak", and probably some others did, too.
Is this the poem, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?
A wind came up out of the sea,
And said: "O mists, make room for me!"
It hailed the ships, and cried: "Sail on,
Ye mariners, the night is gone."
And hurried landward far away,
Crying: "Awake! it is the day.”
It said unto the forest : " Shout!
Hang all your leafy banners out!
It touched the wood-bird's folded wing,
And said : " O bird, awake and sing !"
It whispered to the fields of corn :
"Bow down, and hail the coming morn!"
It shouted through the belfry tower:
"Awake, O bell! proclaim the hour."
- Henry W. Longfellow
After reading it, what or whom is the wind speaking to? What do you think?
A wind came up out of the sea,
And said: "O mists, make room for me!"
It hailed the ships, and cried: "Sail on,
Ye mariners, the night is gone."
And hurried landward far away,
Crying: "Awake! it is the day.”
It said unto the forest : " Shout!
Hang all your leafy banners out!
It touched the wood-bird's folded wing,
And said : " O bird, awake and sing !"
It whispered to the fields of corn :
"Bow down, and hail the coming morn!"
It shouted through the belfry tower:
"Awake, O bell! proclaim the hour."
- Henry W. Longfellow
After reading it, what or whom is the wind speaking to? What do you think?