1. Which type of data display is most appropriate to display the data below?
A. box-and-whisker plot
B. double bar graph
C. line graph
D. line plot
2. Use the line graph below to answer the question.
Which time period shows a deviation from the overall trend in the data?
A. Jan-Feb
B. Feb-Mar
C. Mar-Apr
D. Apr-May
Use the double-bar graph above to answer this question.
3. how many students voted? (1 point)
A. 2
B. 66
C. 74
Use the double-bar graph above to answer this question.
4. Which conclusion is best supported by the graph?
A. Summer is the most popular season in both grades.
B. Fall is the least popular season in both grades.
C. Winter is more popular with seventh graders than with sixth graders.
D. Spring is equally popular in both grades.
5. Use the table below to answer the question.
Daily Low Temperatures
Day Temperature (oF)
Mon 28
Tues 36
Wed 40
Which line graph displays the data in the table?
56 answers
for the first question, I picked B. Is this correct?
The best answer for the first question is B : )
Realms_end is correct thank you
AAAAH every one look at Realms_end those are the answers i just got a 100
Realms_End is right! I just got 100 out of 100!! Thank you so much. Foreal doe you the best ever.
Ok, so the answer that got me %100 were:
don't lesson to "cant"
Realms_End is right- I literally JUST took the quiz, got 100%.
Your welcome😀
@Jerriah thats the exact same answers as @Realms_End dont do dat it will confuse ppl who are here for help/answers
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH REALM THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCHHHHH :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) hawrefghlaeouhv;wruhgvi;xcughfsiou k im done now l o l
hey um @BLM is not a joke you know most white people just like me love black people and to be honest more black people kill black people than whites kill blacks so um just so you know this whole BLM thing is not changing stuff all it is doing is causing chaos in an already chaotic world so yes BLM is not a joke but it is not a good thing either
Shut up @nothing534 If you don’t agree with the sentence “Black Lives Matter” then you are racist. And it really seems like you don’t like black people. And a LOT of white people don’t like black people. And shush you are a kid, you don’t know anything about this. And you don’t know how black people would feel about this.
@nothing534 and @Nope. Ok so I respect both of you guys opinion on this matter, but this isn't the place for this type of debate. And just so you know @nothing534 it's more about police brutality against Africans Americans nowadays. But then again we really shouldn't be getting into that because this isn't the time or place for it
Perioidttt @nope
@nothing534 If you're not black, don't speak on anything you have no experience with. IF YOUR NOT BEING PULLED OVER BY THE COPS BY RACIAL PROFILING THEN DON'T EVEN TRY TO SWITCH UP THE STORY ON BLM OR RACISM BUDDY
Okay but... i definitely agree with @Nope! BLM!!!
Realms_End was wrong for me but those are the correct ones. your welcomeeee
You guys I did it and got a 40 the real answers are B double bar graph
A line plot
D how many presidents where at least 59 years old but less than 60 years old
B what is the highest pH from the sample gathered over the year then b bar graph
The answers from realms_end are sweet, but the hate is sour, realms is correct!
Alright realms, I got 3/5..
Realm_ end is CORRECT I just took the quick check (that was overdue) and got a 100% go look at REALM_END he/she got the answers don’t listen to any one else
If you are in 6th grade!!. And to Those who don’t trust me why would I lie?? I’m not a 30 year old man trying to trick little kids for my own joy😡. I swear I have a life😂💯💯
To any one who is in 6th grade and wants the full answers to the assessment here they are.
1. B. double bar graph
2. C. Mar-Apr
3. D. 140
4. A. Summer is the most popular season in both grades.
5. D. (sorry its a picture and I can't copy and paste it)
Hope this helps :)
Black lives matter caught in 4k I agree. Bro them pics of black lives gonna be nice its in 4k quality lol idk what even :)
Thx Briana 6th Grader you saved me!!!! Thank you!
Realms__end is right thanx!!!!
yessir got a 100%, thanks @Realms_end.
yall @realms_real is right i got 5/5 and 100%
@nope Not supporting Black Lives Matter and being racist is completely different, Black Lives Matter was a protest also a statement. Black Lives Matter also had a lot of violence and criminal acts during the protest. It’s understandable if you don’t support Black Lives Matter, but it’s not okay to be racist. And it was his opinion chille anyway so
Ok there is a lot of fighting about the BLM stuff rn but all lives matter not just black but not just white we all matter and we all have a purpose we treat each other fairly and kindly and we do not push someone down because their white or black because we all matter
@nope you think your not the kid here? bro just got a opinion and you cant change that
If you love black people then you would agree that black lives matter. I agree is not something to joke about but its completely a good thing. BLM! Black people get pulled over by the cops and by other because they think black people are criminals But they are NOT! Black people are just like White people!! We are all the same no matter the color of some stupid skin. Our personality are the same. And Black people shouldn't be treated any different then white people.
This is only for connexus not any outher school :)
Oh and its a 100% i did it myself and got a 5/5
Thank me later :)
i didn't know this website turned into twitter
if you guys are gonna talk about politics, just go on twitter man, this is a website to get help, not about getting into petty fights
Unit 5 displaying &analyzing data
Lesson 4 choosing the best data display
1. Sem A and B
B. Double Bar Graph
2. High school graduates
A. Line Plot
3. Presidents
B. Were at least 50 years less than 60
4. pH samples
B. Highest pH ...gathered over year
5. Josie ....snacks purchased
B. Bar Graph
Don't just look at the letter they switch it up sometimes that's why I put the letter and the answer
Realms_End is corect!!!! 100%
bro no one cares if u support blm go do your work
why tf are u guys arguing, anyways, stop disliking realms post. It’s correct, for a second I didn’t think it 2as but I got 5/5 100% y’all should
thank this guy bc if u fail on Connexus it ain’t no joke
Thank you guys for the answers!
5/5 100% 🌻🧸🖤
~ Blackheartedɞ¥ ~