1. Which statement best explains the significance of the signing of the Mayflower Compact? *
5 points
A)The colonists swore to survive together or die in North America.
B)The colonists agreed to create their own government and to obey its rules.
C)The colonists declared their independence from English royal authority.
D)The colonists established principle of freedom of religion in Plymouth.**
8.2 (A)
2. What was a major reason for the colonization of the Americas by Europeans? *
5 points
A)European leaders wanted to expand their economic and political power.
B)European leaders wanted a place to send their criminal populations.
C)Europeans leaders wanted to learn more about American Indian cultural groups.
D)European leaders wanted to find new sources of labor for farming in Europe.
8.2 (B)
3. Which reason led to the establishment of colonies in both Virginia and the Carolinas? *
5 points
A)Colonists wanted to worship God in their own way.***
B)Colonists were relieved from debts they owed in England.
C)Colonists were looking for new economic opportunities.
D)Colonists planned to trade with American Indians for furs.
8.2 (B)
4. Based on the information in the chart, which statement summarizes a reason for the establishment of colonies in all three regions? *
5 points
A)Each region provided new economic opportunities to colonists.
B)People enjoyed complete religious freedom in all three regions.
C)Each region provided a safe refuge for English debtors.
D)Each region served as a buffer between England and Spain.
8.2 (B)
5. Which colony correctly completes this diagram? *
5 points
C)South Carolina
8.2 (B)
6. Which statement best summarizes the reasons for the founding of the first two English colonies? *
5 points
A)Colonists in Jamestown expected riches while those at Plymouth desired to practice their own religion.***
B)Jamestown and Plymouth were established as safe places for imprisoned debtors and convicts.
C)Jamestown and Plymouth were founded as safe havens for people of all religious beliefs.
D)Colonists in both Jamestown and Plymouth traveled to America to convert the American Indians to Catholicism.
8.3 (C)
7. The photographs above show churches built in colonial times. One way in which churches encouraged the growth of representative government in the colonies was by....... *
5 points
A)imposing greater uniformity of views upon their members
B)providing a public setting where people could discuss issues
C)opposing toleration of those holding other religious beliefs
D)establishing a system of autority by church leaders
8.10 (B)
8. How were the first colonial settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America similar? *
5 points
A)They lacked sufficient rainfall for growing crops.
B)They could be approached by ships sailing from Europe.
C)They had similar average temperatures in both winter and summer.
D)They were located in mountainous regions with fast-flowing streams.
8.12 (B)
9. Which of these factors best explains the development of the plantation system in the South? *
5 points
A)fertile land and a long growing season
B)a high plateau and long, cold winters
C)extensive forests and short winters
D)rocky soil and harsh winters
8.24 (A)
10. Which of the following was an argument made against slavery in the Thirteen Colonies? *
5 points
A)Manufacturers argued that slavery discouraged the development of industry.
B)Farmers argued that using slave labor was expensive and inefficient.
C)Quakers argued that slavery violated Christian principles****.
D)Puritans argued that the slave trade encouraged materialism.
8.12 (B)
11. Which of the following was a major reason for the flow of the transatlantic slave trade shown on the map? *
5 points
A)The economic demands of the plantation system****
B)The construction needs of the railroad
C)Increased textile manufacturing
D)Increased western migration
8.25 (B)
12. Which of these was a motivation for the settlement of the colony at Plymouth in 1620? *
5 points
A)English proprietors finance the colonists in order to make a profit.
B)King James paid for their journey in the hopes of finding gold.
C)The pilgrims wished to establish a place where they could follow their own religious beliefs without persecution.
D)The settlers were missionaries who intended to dedicate their live to converting the American Indians to Christianity.
8.12 (B)
13. Which statement about the institution of slavery in Colonial America is most accurate? *
5 points
A)The New England colonies had the largest slave populations.
B)Slavery was banned in most Southern colonies.
C)Slaves were especially numerous in areas suitable for large plantations.
D)Slavery was on the decline in the South by the time of the French and Indian War.
8.4 (A)
14. What was the purpose of the dashed line drawn on this map? *
5 points
A) It identifies the western boundary of the United States.
B)It marks the eastern border of the Louisiana line.
C)It shows the western boundary of British colonial settlement.
D)If defines the eastern border of Native American lands.
8.10 (B)
15. How does the physical geography of New England differ from that of Georgia and Alabama? *
5 points
A)New England has rockier soil and a shorter growing season.
B)New England has more fertile soil and warmer summers.
C)New England has fewer mountains and greater humidity.
D)New England has a fewer streams but greater rainfall.
8.3 (A)
16. In colonial New England, communities often held meetings to discuss local issues and mange town affairs. By participating in these town meetings, colonists displayed.... *
5 points
A)religious toleration
B)limited self-government
C)respect for the rights of American Indians
D)support for the House of Burgesses
8.25 (B)
17. Which of these was a motivation for the settlement of the colony in Pennsylvania in 1682? *
5 points
A)English proprietors financed the new settlement in order to make a profit.
B)Lord Baltimore wished to establish a haven for England's Catholics.
C)English Puritans wished to create a "godly place" where they could practice their own religious beliefs.
D)William Penn wished to found a colony welcoming England's Quakers.
8.25 (B)
18. Which of these was an impact of the First Great Awakening? *
5 points
A)Colonists demanded independence from Great Britain.
B)Preachers emphasized that all people were equal in the eyes of God.
C)Ministers condemned women suspect of witchcraft.
D)Settlers refused to fight in the French and Indian War.
8.3 (A)
19. The factors listed above contributed most to the.... *
5 points
A)creation of alliances between British settlers and American Indians
B)election of British colonists to Parliament
C)growth of representative government in the British colonies.***
D)expansion of British trade in the Americas
8.3 (B)
20. Which phrase best completes the diagram? *
5 points
A)Texts and Institutions behind the French and Indian War
B)Documents and Governments based on William Penn's ideas
C)Precedents for Representative Government in the Coloines
D)Established the Right to Overthrow Oppressive Governments****
please help on
9 answers
Of the questions you have attempted to answer, you are more often wrong than correct. When you have corrected your answers, feel free to repost the questions you are uncertain about and we will gladly check your answers. (When the question involves a diagram or photo, we can't see it, so can't help.)
I have a hunch you haven't read your text.