1. Which one of the following statements uses language best to present a clear picture of a child's behavior?

A. Leslie ran to the door, greeting his mother with open arms.
B. Carolyn carried her books to the table.
C. Marshall handed the truck to Jacob.
D. Beryl chose a green crayon to color the picture.

2. Suppose you're a young mother with two preschool children. You prefer to take care of them yourself in your own home, rather than place them in a day care program. To earn some money for your family, you decide to become a day care provider for two or three other children. What type of arrangement would you most likely develop?
A. In-home care
B. Family day care
C. Day care center
D. Preschool

3. You haven't observed Rachel interacting with other children at the day care facility where you work. Usually she just plays alone with the dolls available at the center. What can you do so that you can observe her interacting with other children?
A. Ask her to draw a picture of herself playing with other children.
B. Ask another caregiver to play with Rachel and observe them together.
C. Ask her directly, "Why don't you ever play with the other children at the center?"
D. Say to her, "Rachel, will you please help Becky pick out a dress for her doll," and observe what she does.

4. You're caring for three children in your own home: a three-year-old, a four-year-old, and a two-month-old infant. The infant often becomes hungry and wants to be fed just when you're involved in something with the two older children. What should you do with the infant?
A. Put the infant in a location so he or she can watch you and the other two children; then feed the infant when you're through.
B. Have the older two children continue the project on their own while you feed the infant in a separate room.
C. Prop the infant's bottle in the crib so he or she can eat while you continue to help the older children.
D. Hold and feed the infant while you supervise the activity of the older children.

5. Study the following Observation Report.
Child's Name: Chris
Age: 4
Date: 2/21
Observer: Mary
Place: Blue Room
Time: 9:00–10:00

Chris went over to the block corner and asked Tom and Carlos if he could help them build. They said OK. As they were building, Chris accidentally knocked part of the building down. "I'll put it back," he said. Then he handed some blocks to Tom. He watched Tom build and then handed them a wedge-shaped piece. "Here's a flag," he said. Chris began putting flags around the building. The teacher asked Chris if he wanted to make some paper flags. He replied, "Not unless Tom makes some, too."


Chris is often involved in a lot of dramatic play with several other boys. He especially likes to be near Tom. Chris seems to look up to him. Once engaged in play, he likes to continue, and will usually not let another child or even the teacher distract him.

The Comments section of this Observation Report contains several inferences. From the following, choose the statement that's a fact, not an inference.

A. Chris is often involved in a lot of dramatic play.
B. He especially likes to be near Tom.
C. He likes to continue, and will usually not let another child or even the teacher distract him.
D. None of the above is a fact.

6. Four-year-old Stephen refuses to take a nap with the other children because he's afraid of the closet close to the nap area. Every day he cries and becomes very upset. According to his mother, he has a similar problem at home. What's the best way for the day care teacher to deal with Stephen's fears?
A. The day care teacher should determine what action to take to resolve Stephen's fears and follow through.
B. Each day care staff member should test a strategy and see which one works best.
C. The day care teacher should discuss the problem with Stephen's parents and jointly decide on a strategy that everyone could follow consistently.
D. The day care teacher should move Stephen to another room.

7. The following record was written by an observer at a day care facility:
Tyrone came into the room this morning looking as if he was mad at the world. He wouldn't speak to the teacher or even look at her. He slumped his way over to the puzzle table and plopped down into a chair. When Toby tried to join him, Tyrone pushed him away. You could tell something was bothering him. The caregiver asked him if he wanted to play at the sand table, but he quickly shook his head no.

This observation record is

A. obtrusive.
B. objective.
C. subjective.
D. assertive.

8. Read the following conversation between mother and child:
Child: All gone.

Mother: Is your juice all gone?

Child: All gone.

Mother: Do you want more juice?

Child: More juice.

Mother: Can you pour it?

Child: Me pour.

Mother: Watch.

Child: See.

Based on this conversation, you can assume that the age of the child is approximately

A. 12 months.
B. 18 months.
C. 36 months.
D. 48 months.

9. The amount of tattling has suddenly increased in the school-age group at the day care facility where you work. Staff and children find this very annoying. Your job is to find out what's causing and reinforcing the tattling. Which theory should you review for some help?
A. Behavioral
B. Cognitive
C. Humanistic
D. Psychodynamic

10. Three-year-old Amy is trying to make letters with a large pencil. Sometimes she holds the pencil in her right hand and sometimes in her left. She grasps the pencil in her fist instead of balancing it between her fingers as an adult does. Which action should her caregiver take?
A. Every time the caregiver sees Amy holding the pencil in her left hand, she should place it in her right one.
B. The caregiver should take no action.
C. The caregiver should show Amy how to hold the pencil correctly and remind her consistently until she holds it correctly.
D. The caregiver should watch which hand Any uses the most and then consistently reinforce the use of that hand.

2 answers

Where are YOUR answers?
1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.b 10.c 11.a 12.a