1.Which of the following numbers are equivalent to 20%? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY.!!

A. 0.002

B. 1/4

C. 0.20(I PICK THIS)


2.which of the following numbers are equivalent to 35%?CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY !!

A. 7/20

B. 6/20

C. 3.5


3.which of the following numbers are equivalent to 8%? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY!!

A. 0.008


C. 2/25

D. 1/12

4.select the answer that correctly orders the set of numbers from least to greatest. 14%, 1/5, 0.03.

A. 14% , 1/5 , 0.03

B. 0.03 , 1/4 , 14%(I GUESSED B. ON THIS ONE.

C. 1/5 , 0.03 , 14%

D. 0.03 ,14% , 1/5

80 answers

please check answers















0.03 = 3%

1 / 5 = 20 %
1. Right
2. Right -- plus -- what is 7/20?
3. Right -- plus one more
4. Wrong
You are wrong Sue, I just took the test... Got 100%
He is completely RIGHT

"Ms. Sue"
What is the last one
All are right except for 4.
And, since I just took the test, Anonymous, I know that the last one is this:
PLEASE listen, I'm not lying, they are RIGHT!!!
thanks CorrectAnswersBelow I got a 8 out of 8 100%
1. C and D

2. A and D

3. B and C

4. C

5. A
Pink is right for those of you who are using Connections Academy
Math 6A
Unit 1
Lesson 6
Writing Percents, Fractions, and Decimals
Quick Check
Just took the Quick Check got 100%!
; )
And by the way for those of you who may not know me as Sabrina you may know me as one of many Math teachers who work at INCA, Ms. Crolli. If I or any other teacher find a name that match's one of our many students names. You and I will be having a chat about keeping this website undercover. Students don't use your real name. And if you really are so desperate that you need to look up a test question and cheat. Just schedule a time to have a private LL and we can chat. Ok?
Ms. Crolli I have scheduled a LL with you at this time and I've been waiting for you to enter the room for 10 Min.
Johny Finkleber?
Piink is 100% correct.
OMG that is the worst teacher ever
Alicia i agree
OMG that is the worst teacher ever
"Sabrina" why are you a student and a teacher? That's what it seems like, because why would a teacher take the test? Unless somebody on this same question is writing stuff and has the exact same name as you, spelled exactly the same, and capitalization exactly the same. Plus, if you really are a teacher you would say that you should ask "us teachers" for help. Not say "keep this website undercover." If people that actually go to school are using it for homework, that is okay. But, for online students using on quick checks etc, it can pretty much be called cheating. Not that I care, it's just you seem pretty suspicious.
Piink Is correct!! Yipeeee!
1: C,D
2: A,D
3: B,C
4: C
5: A

Got a 100% Here is the Answers if
anyone needs them
piink is right bot on 5 i put c lol so i made 87.something lol i mean i have a/100%
Well first there is no 5 only 4 and I got 4 incorect
and 4 is d not c
just took the answer i had 4 question so this is the answer 1: c,d 2:a,d 3:b,d 4:d
thx pink
is Paul correct
the correct answer for question 3 is actually b,c not b,d
but all the other ones are correct
thx paul
Me for the W. GG FORTNITE

:I thanks for anwsers
Hello, Guys! Here are the correct answers for the assessment called Writing Percents, Fractions, and Decimals in Lesson 6
1.C, D
2.A, D
Thanks Answer key even though I just did this like 1 minute ago.

add me on Fortnite xbox player but plays KNM and is goated been playing before there was a battle pass
howdy y'all, thanks for the answers, it helped a lot. :D
I'm just depressed and pressured to get good grades, so I cheat I know it's bad but, I need a lot of help,
Thank you @piink and everybody else who's answer are like @piink
Ms.Crolli seems pretty sus, lets all vote her out.

Ms.Crolli was the imposter
ya vote here out LOL
oh and TYSM piink
guys this is the answers
is this right?
Thank you pink for number 5. I was really stuck on it. I got all the other one’s by myself because they were easy but 5 hit me hard. Pls guys listen to pink I PROMISE it is her. Also a little tip: If you see a lot of thumbs up on a answer then you know that whoever put the answer down is 100 percent correct. Also not to be rude or anything, but ya’ll need to find your own answers. Because you need to learn the material and the lesson. I know I went on here to get a answer but just 1. It is fine to get 1 or 2 answers but not ALL of them. In my book I call that cheating. Just to remind you do not EVER take this offensively to yourself. I am just saying out of my opinion and mind. I hope ya’ll have a nice day and give some thumbs up to PINK so people know that she or he is 100 percent CORRECT!!! God Bless Ya’ll! Bye Bye. πŸ’œ
I guess we both decided to find answers at the same time
There is no number 5 @ pink
@piink is 100%
Tysm @piink!
Pink is correct mrs sue was fake
Thank you so much for the answers
ARE you guyz right or left
Not right answers are c,d a,c b,c c a

Sorry you had to scroll this far
question 4 is actually D they might've changed it on my side but i took the test and it told me there were 4 questions not 5 but either way i got 85% so ty
this is a response to piiink
Thanks piink
you better be right piink...
OMG thanks pink your awesome!
Piink is correct!
@piink Is rith I just got a 100% on my test btw this is only for connexus student's
yes pinky is right
piink sorry
piink is right
Guess could you stop disrespecting Mrs. Sue? She is trying so hard to help you guys and now she's dead.
pink is right(on jishka im known as shode its completely fine to look it up.) ALSO IS THAT A SONIC REFERENCE
Piink isla right I got 100%
pink is 100% right I promise I got 5/5 and it boosted my grade so please give pink a thumbs up because she deserves it very much!!! Have a beautiful and blessed day and thanks pink!!!!
wait mrs sue died??
Thanks piink i got a 100%
Piink is correct πŸ€©πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ƒ use their answers for help I kinda wish someone would explain it though πŸ₯²
Thanks "piink" I would have gotten 4 wrong without you <3
1-C and D
2-A and D
3-B and C
piink is right
Piink is completely correct I got 100%
weird responses ngl lmao

and yea @piink is correct and those mfs that say "don't cheat" why you on here then huh??

go learn mf
number 1, @YaMom'sBae, period!
number 2, piink is correct! 100% tysm
Piink gives %100, if you do not trust then you will miss.
I put d as 4 but it is wrong it is c
tysm people dont say one person specifically bc i mixed every ones help and here is what i got and i got a 100% so trust me!!!!

1. 0.20 and 1/5 (c,d)
2. 7/20 and 0.35 (a,d)
3. 0.08 and 2/25 (b,c)
4. 0.03, 0.065, 1/8, 14% (c)
5. 7/14, 2/5, 32%, 0.25 (a)
trust me these are the real answers!!!!
have a nice day☺
@ Aiden Ryan Gallagher
As in Ricky, Nicky, Dicky and dawn?
Like that is so cool if you are not, bc you still got his name. CCOOOLL!
Tysm Abby T^T Much appreciated!!! <3
your welcome
this website is connexus cheat sheet
Piink is 100% correct.
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