Which of the following is NOT something a group should do when it plans a collaborative writing project?
A. Divide the work ahead of time according to how the leader thinks it will best be done
B. Make your analysis of the problem, the audience, and your purposes explicit so you know where you agree and disagree
C. Build some leeway into the deadlines to accommodate late contributions
D. Consider your work styles and other commitment
Answer B
2.Which of the following is NOT a good guideline to follow when writing to international audiences?
A. Write in the reader's language if you have any knowledge of the language at all; doing so greatly increases goodwill, even if you make mistakes.
B. Be aware that the reader benefits that would motivate a U.S. audience may need to be changed for international readers.
C. Avoid slang, contractions, and sports metaphors.
D. Make requests more indirect, unless you know that your reader understands North American behavior.
answer: A
3 answers
I wouldn't set a flexible deadline. If you do that, then people will be tempted to turn their work in late.
Does your text disagree with this?