The graph that indicates that one of the runners started 10 yards further ahead of the other is the one where the lines representing the two runners are parallel and one line is shifted vertically by 10 units. This indicates that both runners are moving at the same pace, but one of them started ahead by 10 yards.
Explanation: In a graph representing the movement of two runners, the x-axis typically represents time and the y-axis represents distance. If one of the lines representing the runners is shifted vertically, it means that one runner is ahead of the other by a certain distance. If the lines are parallel, it indicates that both runners are moving at the same speed. Therefore, in this case, the graph that shows parallel lines with one line shifted vertically by 10 units indicates that one runner started 10 yards further ahead of the other.
1. Which of the following graphs indicates that one of runners started 10 yards further
ahead of the other? Explain your answer.
Answer and explanation.
1 answer