For continuous, ya got me. Only F looks like it fails.
For differentiable, surely F fails, because it isn't even continuous. Also, (a),(b),(d) fail because of the cusps. I am assuming that d(0) is defined somewhere on the y-axis.
(f) fails because the ends of the semi-circle have vertical tangents.
1. Which of the above functions are not continuous where they are defined? Why?
2. Which of the above functions are not differentiable where they are defined? Why?
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For the first question, I said that graph F is not continuous because of a jump, but I'm missing another one from those 6 graphs.
For the second question, I said b is not differentiable because of corners, but I appear to be missing 3 more. I initially answered C, D, and F but those aren't correct.
(All 6 graphs are part of the questions and A and a are two different graphs fyi)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
1 answer