4. Your answer is right, but your decimals are not. 5/8 = 0.625
6 is wrong.
The others are right.
1. Where is 4.89 on the number line
Between 1 and 2
Between 2 and 3
Between 3 and 4
Between 4 and 5 <---
2. 7.07 __ 8.83
a. < <---
b. >
c. =
d >=
3. Where is 8.366 on the number line?
Between 6 and 7
Between 7 and 8
Between 8 and 9 <---
Between 8 and 10
4. List from Least to Greatest
5/8 = 6.25
3/4= 7.5
7/9= 0.77
5/8, 3/4, 7/9 <---
3/4, 5/8, 7/9
5/8, 7/9, 3/4
7/9, 3/4, 5/8
6. Order the set of rational numbers from least to greatest.
1.2, 9, -4, -0.5, -4.3
A. {-4, -4.3, -1/2, 1.2, 9}
B. {-4.3, -4, -12, 1.2, 9}
C. {9, 1.2, -1/2, -4, -4.3} <---
D. {1.2, -4.3, -4, -1/2, 9} or <----
Unsure about number 6.
3 answers
6. B. {-4.3, -4, -12, 1.2, 9}
-4.3 is smaller than -4.?
-4.3 is smaller than -4.?
Now you are right.