1. What was the philosophy Massive Retaliation held by Eisenhower? How did that philosophy lead to an arms race with the Soviet Union?
A: Massive Retaliation was an idea that you would threaten to use nuclear weapons if a Communist state tried to seize territory by force. In using this philosophy, the United States threatened the Soviet Union to remain immobile by claiming that since they had such big or advanced weapons, they could wipe the Soviet Union out if they tried to seize territory or spread its Communist influence to other countries. However, feeling bullied, the Soviet Union decided that since they were being threatened by these big and powerful weapons, they would build bigger and more powerful weapons. Having lost their upper hand, the U.S., in turn, built even bigger and more powerful weapons. And then before anyone even realized, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were engaging in an arms race, each country making more weapons than they would ever need.
2. Kennedy's philosophy on how to stop Communism was to provide aid to poorer countries. Since poorer countries were more likely to become Communist because of an unequal distribution of money and resources, helping these countries enabled them to provide their citizens with essentials they needed like food, water, clothing, shelter, and money and thus kept them from becoming Communist. One way Kennedy did this was by creating the Peace Corps, which helped end poverty in poor countries. Providing aid to these countries also hopefully made them think favorably of the United States and, in turn, capitalism.
1 answer
BTW, the Peace Corps may have been intended to help MITIGATE poverty in poor countries. It didn't end it.