1, what was the main purpose Roosevelt made in the 1932 election that helped him win?
He promised to reorganize the economy
He promised to help the jobless, poor farmers,and elderly *******
He promised to regulate big banks more heavily to prevent another depression
He promised new deals with European countries to get loans to help end the depression
2, which of the following best describes the legislation of the New Deal
Stronger banks, fireside chats ,and Hundred Days
The National Recovery Administration Medicare and help for the jobless******
Relief for the jobless recovery for the economy and reform to prevent another depression
More Supreme Court Justices, fireside chats, and stronger union
3, Senator Huey Long adopted the motto Share Our Wealth during the Great Depression, to what does the refer?
Distributing food and other goods to everyone ******
Allowing more immigrants into the Country
Celebrating Americas culture and arts
Collecting taxes from the rich
4, whys was Roosevelt upset when the Supreme Court started ruling parts of the New Deal unconstitutional
He felt both the New Deal and his ability to lead the nation were threatend
He did not have a new plan if the New Deal was no longer valid
He felt it was a battle between the courts and public *******
He thought the New Deal programming was not given enough time to be fully effected
5, what was one of the major failures of the New Deal program
It did not help the poor
It never reformed the banking system
It did not end the Great Depression ********
The jobs it created didn't last
Are my answers correct if not can you tell me which one you think it is
Pease and Thank you!!!
15 answers
correct answers.
also if anyone has the unit test answers please provide them cuz I really need them.
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My motto is Hey if you wanna cheat its your choice, but whatcha gonna do when you get to Highschool.You may say, Hey you wrote the answers, but its your choice weather not not to copy. No one is making you cheat, so you cant blame it on everyone else when ppl find out you where cheating.
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