1)What theory does the narrator propose in the first paragraph of “The Mark of the Beast”?

A) In Asia, Asian gods rather than the Christian God control most events.
B) The British Empire is doomed because it disregards the values and traditions of native peoples.
C) Western religion is true, and Eastern religion is false.
D) All religions are really saying the same thing despite differences of detail.

2)What occasion brings the English characters in Kipling’s story together in the first scene?
A) An outbreak of disease has scared them into returning to the British station.
B) A native uprising has caused them all to gather in the British fort for protection.
C) The annual cricket championships are about to take place, and the British consider it more important than their professional duties.
D) The characters are attending a New Year’s Eve bash at a colonial station.

3)Who is the Silver Man in Kipling’s story?
A) The high priest of the Hindu temple
B) The British paymaster
C) An Indian suffering from leprosy
D) A British police officer who abuses the Indians

4)In “The Mark of the Beast” what incident infuriates the Indian populace?
A) Fleete refuses to enter the temple and starts a fight.
B) Fleete grinds a cigar butt into the stone image of Hanuman, the monkey god.
C) Strickland tries to bribe the temple priest.
D) Strickland is overheard making insulting comments about the Silver Man’s religion.

5)After Fleete is marked by the Silver Man, he —
A) craves meat, howls, and becomes increasingly animal-like
B) turns into a well-behaved but frightening werewolf
C) develops the first symptoms of leprosy
D) denounces British colonialism and begins to “go native”

6)Some aspects of Kipling’s story allude to —
A) Greek and Roman myths about wolves
B) a New Testament revelation about a great beast that marks its followers
C) a Bible story in which a woman is transformed into a pillar of salt
D) an Indian parable about a child who mocks the gods

7)“Then it struck me that we had fought for Fleete’s soul with the Silver Man in that room, and had disgraced ourselves as Englishmen forever...”
How does the narrator’s observation above reflect an ironic colonial theme?
A) The clash of cultures brings out the worst in people.
B) A colonial power may lose even if it thinks it won.
C) Colonialized people can be both helpful and harmful.
D) In its use of force, a colonial power - despite its assumption of civilized superiority - can act in a savage, uncivilized way.

8)The Indian proverb quoted at the beginning of Kipling’s story, “Your Gods and my Gods - do you or I know which are the stronger?” suggests the —
A) opposition of Eastern and Western systems of belief
B) struggle between right and wrong, justice and injustice
C) friction between science and faith
D) disagreement over who is to rule India—the British, or the Indians themselves

9)In “The Mark of the Beast” Outrage is the name of a —
A) monkey
B) servant
C) horse
D) leper

10)In general, conflict is either external or internal. In other words, it is —
A) between people and nature or between one person and another person
B) between the main character, or protagonist, and the opposing character, or antagonist
C) between a character and an outside force or within the character
D) a conflict that can be resolved or one that cannot be resolved
Dr. Dumoise is conflicted about whether —
A) to worship as a Christian or as a Hindu
B) to believe in the science he has learned or in the evidence before his own eyes
C) or not to tell Fleete’s tale when he, Dumoise, returns to England
D) or not his oath as a physician allows him to remain at the drunken party
The conflict between the temple priests and Fleete is resolved when —
A) Fleete apologizes
B) the Silver Man touches Fleete and leaves the mark
C) Strickland offers to give money to the temple
D) the priests realize that Fleete is drunk
The conflict between the English culture and the native culture of India is —
A) explored in the story but left unresolved
B) resolved when the priests deny that any white man ever touched the idol
C) resolved through the defeat of the Silver Man
D) revealed in the story to be only an imagined conflict
Realism was largely a reaction against
A) Rationalism
B) Naturalism
C) Existentialism
D) Romanticism
Realism is associated with
A) an accurate portrayal of real life.
B) explaining why ordinary people behave the way they do.
C) a pessimistic portrayal of human insignificance and powerlessness.
D) all of the above
What does “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?” reveal about Hardy’s attitudes toward the world?
A) He is dark and unsentimental about death and human relationships.
B) He is desperate to find answers to his questions about man and nature.
C) He cares little about the world.
D) He sees little hope for the future of humanity.
In “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?” what theme emerges as each of the woman’s guesses to the title question proves false?
A) There is no meaning or purpose in life.
B) Human beings become insignificant after death.
C) Death is a lonely state.
D) Ironically, only dogs remain faithful to their human companions.
What does the dog come to do at the grave of the woman in Hardy’s poem “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?”
A) to rest in the shade of the tombstone
B) to look for the woman, its dead owner
C) to bury a bone
D) to howl in its sorrow for the woman’s death
“The land’s sharp features seemed to be/The Century’s corpse outleant”
Theses lines from Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” draw a connection between
A) desolate nature and wasted time.
B) the dying landscape and the dying Century.
C) two elderly faces.
D) the dead land and a dead body.
What does “The Darkling Thrush” reveal about Hardy’s attitudes toward the world?
A) He is dark and unsentimental about death and human relationships.
B) He is desperate to find answers to his questions about man and nature.
C) He cares little about the world.
D) He sees little hope for the future of humanity.
Why does the thrush sing in Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush”?
A) The bird is happy in its final hours of life.
B) The bird is celebrating the end of the year.
C) The bird sings for love.
D) The speaker doesn’t know why it sings.

12 answers

My goodness! You forgot to post your answers for this exam.
i need the answers! i don't have them
Ray, those answers are lurking in your text materials -- just waiting for you to find them.

You apparently paid for this class in order to learn something about British lit. I know you'll want to take the time and energy to find these answers. You are certainly not a cheater, are you?
Realism was largely a reaction against
>> D) Romanticism
Realism is associated with
>> D) all of the above

Those are the ones I can do easily now.
I've never read the stories in here, though I recently finished a lengthy British literature course :O
what is number 4?
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. b
7. d
8. a
9. c

i don't feel like doing any more.
stop being so lazy
The conflict between the english culture and the native culture of India is?
i need number 11 and 12 please
don't go with the answers that we're given to you. Most of them are wrong, but I guess it serves you right for trying to take the easy way out. If you need help, ask a teacher, not the internet.
Why ÇÑ±Û characters are in this text? lol random