She is 44 and She is 162 = I wouldn't use either.
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He is 14 years. = right, it's wrong.
1. What is her weight?
She is 44kg.
2. How much does she weigh?
She weighs 44 kg.
She is 44kg.
(Are they correct?)
3. What is her height?
She is162 cm tall.
She is 162 cm.
She is 162. (Is this OK?)
(Are both answer OK? What about the question?)
4. What is his age?
He is 14 years old.
He is 14.
He is 14 years.
(This one is wrong, right?)
2 answers
1 and 2 are correct.
Sra is right -- in 3, the first two answers are good; the last one is not.
In 4, the first two answers are good; the third is not commonly used.
Sra is right -- in 3, the first two answers are good; the last one is not.
In 4, the first two answers are good; the third is not commonly used.