1. What happens after a case is accepted and heard by the supreme court?
2 answers
The Supreme Court's decision is the final word. For example, abortion became legal after the Supreme Court ruling.
The process is that both sides in the litigation submit written briefs to the court (other advocates may also submit briefs in support of one of the sides). Oral arguments are heard in open court. Eventually, the Justices meet to decide the case. The Chief Justice assigns a Justice to write the decision. Dissenting Justices may also write their opinions for the record. The decision is then announced in public, and the opinions made public.
If the decision involves the determination that a law that had been passed by Congress conflicts with the Constitution, as interpreted by the Court, the Congress may amend the law or write a new one according to the Court's guidelines. The decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed, though. It's final.
If the decision involves the determination that a law that had been passed by Congress conflicts with the Constitution, as interpreted by the Court, the Congress may amend the law or write a new one according to the Court's guidelines. The decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed, though. It's final.