1. What did John C. Calhoun want for the future for the U.S.?

2. What did Frederick Douglass want for the future for the U.S.?

3. How did John C. Calhoun change the U.S.?

4. How did Frederick Douglass change the U.S.?

5. How did John C. Calhoun react to some key events happening in the U.S.?

6. How did Frederick Douglass react to some key events happening in the U.S.?

7. Were there any key events in John C. Calhoun life that shaped their dream for the United States?

8. Were there any key events in Frederick Douglass life that shaped their dream for the United States?

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I just can't find these answers for a project I have todo it is not for a quiz i just need to find these facts.

how did Fredrick Douglass react to the key events happening in the united states?