1. What countries/continents are included in the Americas?
2. What project researched the Mid- Atlantic ridge?
3. What city does the Prime Meridian split?
4. What city in England does the Prime Meridian split?
5. What hemispheres are the US located?
6. Where is the Mid- Atlantic Ridge located?
7. Describe the Mid- Atlantic Ridge.
9. What were some problems for early sea faring navigators?
10. What do latitude and longitudes help us find?
11. What are parallels?
12. Why is it important to have an understanding of longitude and latitude?
13. Could you describe the absolute location of South America? How about relative location?
14. Why do you need to write N, S, E, and W after the degrees of absolute location?
15. What happens to the longitude and latitude numbers as you get closer to the equator?
16. How does a grid help map reading?
17. Why is the world of Americas an amazing place?
18. Could you compare the Mid- Atlantic ridge exploration with the 1st landing on the moon?
19. Could you tell a friend what the markings on a globe are for?
9 answers
Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to critique your work.
Latitude numbers get smaller, but longitude numbers stay the same at the Equator.
Western and Northern
Latitude lines
We cannot do your homework for you, but if you'd like to post your answers (in order), we'll be glad to check them.
1. What countries/continents are included in the Americas?
2. What project researched the Mid- Atlantic ridge?
*3. What city does the Prime Meridian split?
*4. What city in England does the Prime Meridian split?
*5. What hemispheres are the US located? Western and Northern
6. Where is the Mid- Atlantic Ridge located?
7. Describe the Mid- Atlantic Ridge.
8. Understand the relative location of the US.
9. What were some problems for early sea faring navigators?
*10. What do latitude and longitudes help us find? Locations
11. What are parallels?
12. Why is it important to have an understanding of longitude and latitude?
13. Could you describe the absolute location of South America? How about relative location?
14. Why do you need to write N, S, E, and W after the degrees of absolute location?
*15. What happens to the longitude and latitude numbers as you get closer to the equator? Latitude numbers get smaller, but longitude numbers stay the same at the Equator.
*16. How does a grid help map reading? Latitude Lines
17. Why is the world of Americas an amazing place?
*18. Could you compare the Mid- Atlantic ridge exploration with the 1st landing on the moon? Yes
19. Could you tell a friend what the markings on a globe are for?
Please check your book for these answers. Since this is a study sheet, I assume you need to know these answers for a test over material that you are supposed to know.
1.Canada, Mexico, US, Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatamala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts/Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Trinadad/Tobago, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
3. Greenwich
4. Greenwich
5. Western and Northern
6. ?
7. ?
9. ?
10. Locations
11. ?
12. ?
13. ?
15. Latitude numbers get smaller, but longitude numbers stay the same at the Equator.
16. ?
17. ?
18. Yes
19. Latitude Lines
2. Right!
3 and 4. Greenwich, England is split by the Prime Meridian. Does your book say that another city in Europe or Africa is also split by this line?
5. Right.
19. Wrong