1.What are the most important concepts or processes you learned in this workshop?

2.How will you apply these concepts in your educational, personal, or professional pursuits?
3.Provide any additional relevant personal notes and observations.

3 answers

1. I learned nothing because I didn't attend this workshop.

2. See above.

3. See above.

Please pass the word that Jiskha is not connected with any school.
See what above? This website is very confuesing! I don't know what any of you peoplee here are talking about! I am looking for information on The Scarlet Letter and all I see here is wried 1.look around you.2. blah blah blah! What on earth are you talking about?! I'm sorry but Thumbs down big time for this website! It makes no sense for us intellegent people!
See what above? This website is very confuesing! I don't know what any of you peoplee\ here are talking about! I am looking for information on The Scarlet Letter and all I see here is wreid 1.look around you.2. blah blah blah! What on earth are you talking about?! I'm sorry but Thumbs down big time for this website! It makes no sense for us intellegent people!