1. Two objects suspended by insulating strings attract each other due to static electricity?

a) are they neccessarily oppositely charged?
b) After they are allowed to touch, they continue to attract and need to be pulled away from each other by the strings. Is it possible that both objects are conductors?

2. How can one make an insulating cellulose sphere into a conducting one? ( wrap foil around it?)

3. As a non-conudcting object is being moved toward a charged electroscope E, the leaves of E are falling,
a) Explain which two of the three below are possible for the object and the electroscope:
a.They are of like charge
b. of opposite charge
c. the object is neutral

b) what further simple process/observation must be carried out to differentiate between the two possibliities above?

2 answers

1.yes on both.

2. correct

3. a,b

If you touch the electroscope, and it was charged, it will discharge. That tells you it was initially charged
for 1 and 3 why though.

1) a) attracted due to opposite charge, therefore yes
b) I do not know why this would happen.

3) why?