1. Tu te prépares = if there is a Reflexive Verb in the question, there must be a Reflexive Verb in the answer = Je me prépare
2. exactement!
3. Perfectly good question = What do you do when you are late? Here's a good Reflexive Verb = se dépêcher = to hurry Try it?
4. Not "do you get to" but "Do you comb your hair in French class?
The answer MUST be Reflexive = Non, je ne me peigne pas LES cheveux = memorize this: "parts of the body and articles of clothing use the definite article, if it's clear WHOSE it is" Check the question which used a Reflexive Verb and LES cheveux. There was a reason for that.
5. bon!
6. oops = make sure the verb ending agrees with the subject. This is an -er verb = Je me déguise
Sra (aka Mme)
1. Tu te prépares pour l'école en combien de minutes?
Je prépare pour l'ecole en trente minutes.
2. Est-ce que tu te rases chaque jour?
How would I say.. No I do not shave ( Obviously not, since I'm a girl)
Non, je ne me rase pas ?
3. Qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es en ?
This question is also wierd.
I was thinking of replying with just j'attends. Anything else?
4. Est-ce que tu te peignes les cheveux en cours de français?
Is it asking..Do I get to comb my hair in French class?
Non, je ne peigne pas mes cheveux en cours de français.
5. Selon toi, est-ce que les filles de ton école se macquillent beaucoup?
Oui, selon moi, les filles de mon école se macquillent beaucoup.
6. Comment est-ce que tu te désguises pour le 31 octobre?
Je me déguiser en fée pour le 31 octobre.
5 answers
5. ...maquillent...
Now I know why that looked odd to me! Thanks MathMate! (Note the hour of my response after having no sleep the night before!)
I know what it's like.
I have had some late night answers that I didn't recognize the next day!
I have had some late night answers that I didn't recognize the next day!
se maquiller, se déguiser, mind your spelling!