It's asking you to rewrite the introduction to the play, adding dramatic irony. Then explain why you think your revision adds irony.
Do you know what dramatic irony is?
#1: The Straw, a play by Eugene O'Neill, is set in a factory town in Connecticut around the year 1910. At the opening of the play, Bill Carmody is waiting for Doctor nor to finish examining
Carmody's daughter Eileen. Carmody, a widower, called the doctor in earlier, when Eileen fainted.
Using what you know from reading the play, revise the introduction to add dramatic irony. Then, explain in one or two sentences how your revision added dramatic irony.
Today is not my day so can someone please tell me what in the hell this is asking/means?
7 answers
You should not be looking for outside help on quizzes and test. This is against the honor code and your IP code will be searched and this submission will be addressed. ~Connections Academy
"The Straw", a play by Eugene O'Neill, is set in a production line town in Connecticut around the year 1910. At the opening of the play, Bill Carmody is nervously waiting for Doctor nor to complete the process of inspecting. Carmody's little girl Eileen. Carmody, a single man, called the specialist in before, when Eileen blacked out.
wow so connections acadamys name is "oops" XD, anyways he could be using a vpn so IP finding isnt gonna be that easy
Still confused
Who wants some meats🍗🍖🥓 🥔<---that's a potato
i would like a benis burger please