1. The rate constant for a second order reaction has units of L mol^-1 s^-1. What are the units of the frequency factor, A, for a second order reaction?

1 answer

I copied this from Wikipedia.

"The units of the pre-exponential factor A are identical to those of the rate constant and will vary depending on the order of the reaction. If the reaction is first order it has the units s−1, and for that reason it is often called the frequency factor or attempt frequency of the reaction. Most simply, k is the number of collisions that result in a reaction per second, A is the number of collisions (leading to a reaction or not) per second occurring with the proper orientation to react[6] and e^{{-E_a}/{(RT)}}\ \ \ is the probability that any given collision will result in a reaction. It can be seen that either increasing the temperature or decreasing the activation energy (for example through the use of catalysts) will result in an increase in rate of reaction."

So the answer is L/mol*sec