1. The nerve center of the American Presidency is (C)

the President’s Cabinet.
the Executive Office of the President.
the Congressional houses.
the Civil Service.

2. Presidential elections include all of the following except (D)
participatory caucuses.
primary elections.
the Electoral College.
Congress holding the first round of presidential voting.

3. According to Article II, Section 2, the President may grant pardons (B)
only if Congress approves.
for all offenses except Impeachment.
if he concludes that the courts made errors at trial.
only when it is recommended by the Justice Department.

4. Although the Constitution does not provide for the line-item veto, presidents have (C)
always disregarded the Constitution and vetoed items anyway.
in effect exercised it by issuing presidency curbing legislation.
in effect exercised it on spending bills through the use of impoundments.
received permission from the courts to veto on a case-by-case basis.

5. History has demonstrated that a candidate who wants to secure his party’s nomination must often win (D)
only presidential primaries.
only participatory caucuses.
only big state primaries.
either the New Hampshire primary or the Iowa caucus.

6. Frederick Winslow Taylor was concerned with all of the following except (A)
making workers feel appreciated.
making first class workers out of second class workers.
good management.

7. A president who appoints a careerist to his cabinet wants (A)
an individual who is an expert in a particular subject.
to rely on policy czars in the White House.
an individual who knows his/her way around the Washington establishment.
somebody who will bring with him a political dowry.

8. The authority of agencies in the Executive Branch of government comes from (A)
the Constitution.
Congressional delegations of authority.
executive prerogative.
executive Branch membership.

9. Bureaucratic capture is when (B)
an agency puts the public interest above special interests.
an agency is in the service of its clientele and their interests come before the public’s interest.
private interests are held hostage to agencies.
agencies cannot do anything because of red tape.

10. Progressive reformers sought to replace the spoils system with a civil service system based on merit because (B)
they hated immigrants.
they believed that impartial and non-partisan government would be more efficient.
they thought the spoils system was outmoded.
they wanted to seize power so that they could reward their supporters.

8 answers

All seem to be correct! :-)
1. The nerve center of the American Presidency is (B)
The Executive Office of the President

2. Question : Presidential character, according to James David Barber, is important for voters to consider when electing the President because they can (B)
Predict his performance

3. Question : Presidents have inferred prerogative power on the basis of (B)
Their obligation to preserve protect the Constitution of the United States

4. Question : The reason that the President is called the Commander-in-Chief in the Constitution is because the Framers wanted (B)
To establish the principle of civilian control of the armed forces

5. Question : A President who has a political mandate has (C)
Greater political power because he won by a wide margin.

6. Question : Budgeting techniques, like planning program budgeting and zero-base budgeting, are ways for the President to control the bureaucracy because they ( C )
Require departments to justify public expenditures.

7. Question : Progressive reformers sought to replace the spoils system with a civil service system based on merit because (B)
They believed that impartial and non-partisan government would be more efficient.

8. Question : In an independent agency, ( C )
The President and Congress do not have much control.

9. Question : In the American civil service system, workers are hired on the basis of (A)

10. Question : The American bureaucracy was deliberately designed to be inefficient to ensure that _____________________ are protected when bureaucrats cannot act arbitrarily because they need to get approval up the chain of command. ( C )
Accountability and individual liberty
1. The purpose of the War Powers Act is to (Points : 1)
allow the Commander in Chief to issue informal declarations of war.
to grant the President unlimited military powers.
grant Congress equal military power with the President.
ensure Presidential accountability to Congress through notification requirements.

Question 2. 2. The nerve center of the American Presidency is (Points : 1)
the President’s Cabinet.
the Executive Office of the President.
the Congressional houses.
the Civil Service.

Question 3. 3. Although the Constitution does not provide for the line-item veto, presidents have (Points : 1)
always disregarded the Constitution and vetoed items anyway.
in effect exercised it by issuing presidency curbing legislation.
in effect exercised it on spending bills through the use of impoundments.
received permission from the courts to veto on a case-by-case basis.

Question 4. 4. The President with the best character is the (Points : 1)
active-positive president.
active-negative president.
passive-positive president.
passive-negative president.

Question 5. 5. According to Article II, Section 2, the President may grant pardons (Points : 1)
only if Congress approves.
for all offenses except Impeachment.
if he concludes that the courts made errors at trial.
only when it is recommended by the Justice Department.

Question 6. 6. A clientelist is often appointed to be secretary of agriculture because (Points : 1)
he can serve the interests of farmers.
he is a farmer.
he knows agriculture.
agriculture is not that complex that a specialist is needed.

Question 7. 7. An independent regulatory authority, like the Federal Reserve Board, (Points : 1)
is subject to legislative oversight.
operates independently of both the President and Congress.
takes orders from the President.
engages in partisan politics.

Question 8. 8. The American bureaucracy was deliberately designed to be inefficient to ensure that _____________________ are protected when bureaucrats cannot act arbitrarily because they need to get approval up the chain of command. (Points : 1)
the President and the Congress
the Executive and Legislative Branches
accountability and individual liberty
national economy and individual finances

Question 9. 9. Frederick Winslow Taylor was concerned with all of the following except (Points : 1)
making workers feel appreciated.
making first class workers out of second class workers.
good management.

Question 10. 10. Contemporary American bureaucracy is characterized by all except (Points : 1)
positions are legally defined.
officials hold a type of tenure.
officials’ salaries are based on their status in the organization.
first priority in hiring is given to family and friends.
Grade Details - All Questions
Question 1. Question :
The nerve center of the American Presidency is

Student Answer: the President’s Cabinet.
CORRECT the Executive Office of the President.
the Congressional houses.
the Civil Service.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Executive Office of the President.
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 2. Question :
When the President vetoes a bill he

Student Answer: CORRECT must veto the entire bill.
may veto the items he thinks are not important.
must submit his veto recommendation to his entire Cabinet for approval.
must justify his veto to Congress.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Veto Authority.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 3. Question :
A foreign policy president tends to be stronger than a domestic policy president because

Student Answer: presidents usually have stronger foreign policy backgrounds.
INCORRECT Congress has more public support domestically and less internationally than the President.
CORRECT Congress defers to the President because he is the sole foreign policy organ.
Congress confirmed this arrangement after a constitutional crisis.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Foreign Policy President.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 4. Question :
The tendency of Congress to defer to the President in foreign policy has at times led to

Student Answer: an American dictatorship.
a plebiscitary presidency.
CORRECT an imperial presidency.
active-positive presidents.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Imperial Presidency.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 5. Question :
The reason that the President is called the Commander-in-Chief in the Constitution is because the Framers wanted

Student Answer: to provide the President with authority over the secretary of defense.
CORRECT to establish the principle of civilian control of the armed forces.
to establish a basis for presidential prerogative.
to give the President some power against impeachment.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Commander-in-Chief.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 6. Question :
Contemporary American bureaucracy is characterized by all except

Student Answer: positions are legally defined.
officials hold a type of tenure.
INCORRECT officials’ salaries are based on their status in the organization.
CORRECT first priority in hiring is given to family and friends.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Defining Bureaucracy.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 7. Question :
Under the old spoils system,

Student Answer: new political leadership could not replace government workers.
government workers could not be fired because they enjoyed protected status.
CORRECT workers were subject to being fired when their patrons no longer held their position.
workers with merit were given priority over party loyalty.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Old Spoils System.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 8. Question :
Which functions are not performed by the American federal bureaucracy?

Student Answer: Implementation of laws, policies, and programs
Making laws through rule making
Judicial authority through administrative adjudication
CORRECT Appropriating money
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “What do Bureaucrats Do?”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 9. Question :
Progressive reformers sought to replace the spoils system with a civil service system based on merit because

Student Answer: they hated immigrants.
CORRECT they believed that impartial and non-partisan government would be more efficient.
they thought the spoils system was outmoded.
they wanted to seize power so that they could reward their supporters.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Good Government Reform Movement.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 10. Question :
The American bureaucracy was deliberately designed to be inefficient to ensure that _____________________ are protected when bureaucrats cannot act arbitrarily because they need to get approval up the chain of command.

Student Answer: the President and the Congress
the Executive and Legislative Branches
CORRECT accountability and individual liberty
national economy and individual finances
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Bureaucracy and Accountability.”
Points Received: 1 of 1
1. Question :
The purpose of the War Powers Act is to

Student Answer: INCORRECT allow the Commander in Chief to issue informal declarations of war.
to grant the President unlimited military powers.
grant Congress equal military power with the President.
CORRECT ensure Presidential accountability to Congress through notification requirements.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “War Powers Act.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 2. Question :
The President with the best character is the

Student Answer: CORRECT active-positive president.
active-negative president.
passive-positive president.
passive-negative president.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Active-Positive.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 3. Question :
According to Article II, Section 2, the President may grant pardons

Student Answer: only if Congress approves.
CORRECT for all offenses except Impeachment.
if he concludes that the courts made errors at trial.
only when it is recommended by the Justice Department.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Pardon Power.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 4. Question :
The active-negative President is someone who may have all of the following except

Student Answer: an active policy agenda.
an energetic work ethic.
a sabotaging personality trait.
CORRECT a positive and even temperament.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Active-Negative.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 5. Question :
The tendency of Congress to defer to the President in foreign policy has at times led to

Student Answer: an American dictatorship.
a plebiscitary presidency.
CORRECT an imperial presidency.
active-positive presidents.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Imperial Presidency.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 6. Question :
Bureaucratic capture is when

Student Answer: an agency puts the public interest above special interests.
CORRECT an agency is in the service of its clientele and their interests come before the public’s interest.
private interests are held hostage to agencies.
agencies cannot do anything because of red tape.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Bureaucratic Capture."
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 7. Question :
Theodore Lowi suggested the remedy for cumbersome bureaucracy was

Student Answer: CORRECT returning to juridical democracy.
INCORRECT delegating even more authority.
reducing the size of government.
throwing money at the problem.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Remedies”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 8. Question :
Woodrow Wilson argued that administration should be concerned solely with

Student Answer: electing the right candidate.
CORRECT the detailed and systematic execution of public law.
ensuring that party bosses get lucrative public works contracts.
making sure that workers support party bosses.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Politics v. Administration.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 9. Question :
Frederick Winslow Taylor was concerned with all of the following except

Student Answer: CORRECT making workers feel appreciated.
making first class workers out of second class workers.
good management.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Efficiency.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 10. Question :
Under the old spoils system,

Student Answer: new political leadership could not replace government workers.
government workers could not be fired because they enjoyed protected status.
CORRECT workers were subject to being fired when their patrons no longer held their position.
workers with merit were given priority over party loyalty.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Old Spoils System.”
Points Received: 1 of 1
1. Question :
In a Presidential election, the candidate must

Student Answer: win both the popular and electoral vote.
win the Supreme Court vote.
CORRECT win a minimum of 270 electoral votes.
win majorities in ¾ of the states.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “The Electoral College.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 2. Question :
The nerve center of the American Presidency is

Student Answer: INCORRECT the President’s Cabinet.
CORRECT the Executive Office of the President.
the Congressional houses.
the Civil Service.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Executive Office of the President.
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 3. Question :
The reason that the President is called the Commander-in-Chief in the Constitution is because the Framers wanted

Student Answer: to provide the President with authority over the secretary of defense.
CORRECT to establish the principle of civilian control of the armed forces.
to establish a basis for presidential prerogative.
to give the President some power against impeachment.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Commander-in-Chief.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 4. Question :
The 2000 presidential election is an example of where it is possible to

Student Answer: CORRECT win the popular vote but not have a majority vote in the Electoral College.
become President by losing both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary.
INCORRECT become President without having a recount of ballots.
replace the Electoral College with the principle of one person-one vote.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “The Electoral College.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 5. Question :
According to Article II, Section 2, the President may grant pardons

Student Answer: only if Congress approves.
CORRECT for all offenses except Impeachment.
if he concludes that the courts made errors at trial.
only when it is recommended by the Justice Department.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Pardon Power.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 6. Question :
In an independent agency,

Student Answer: Congress has considerable control.
INCORRECT the President has absolute control.
CORRECT the President and Congress do not have much control.
the agency is answerable to the Supreme Court.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Independent Agencies.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 7. Question :
The authority of agencies in the Executive Branch of government comes from

Student Answer: INCORRECT the Constitution.
CORRECT Congressional delegations of authority.
executive prerogative.
executive Branch membership.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “The Federal Bureaucracy.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 8. Question :
Contemporary American bureaucracy is characterized by all except

Student Answer: INCORRECT positions are legally defined.
officials hold a type of tenure.
officials’ salaries are based on their status in the organization.
CORRECT first priority in hiring is given to family and friends.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Defining Bureaucracy.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 9. Question :
The federal bureaucracy effectively makes public policy by

Student Answer: telling Congress what to legislate in the Code of Federal Regulation.
disqualifying people from benefits.
CORRECT writing standards for administering programs in the Code of Federal Regulation.
defying the will of Congress.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Make Laws through Rule-Making.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 10. Question :
The American bureaucracy was deliberately designed to be inefficient to ensure that _____________________ are protected when bureaucrats cannot act arbitrarily because they need to get approval up the chain of command.

Student Answer: the President and the Congress
the Executive and Legislative Branches
CORRECT accountability and individual liberty
national economy and individual finances
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Bureaucracy and Accountability.”
Points Received: 1 of 1
Under the War Powers Act, the President?

1)may never use force unless Congress first authorizes it. Answer

2)may in effect fight a 90 day war without a declaration from Congress.

3)can act unilaterally in matters of military action.

4)gives over control of “police actions” to Congress.
1. Question :
The tendency of Congress to defer to the President in foreign policy has at times led to

Student Answer: an American dictatorship.
a plebiscitary presidency.
CORRECT an imperial presidency.
active-positive presidents.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Imperial Presidency.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 2. Question :
The President with the best character is the

Student Answer: CORRECT active-positive president.
active-negative president.
passive-positive president.
passive-negative president.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Active-Positive.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 3. Question :
The active-negative President is someone who may have all of the following except

Student Answer: an active policy agenda.
an energetic work ethic.
a sabotaging personality trait.
CORRECT a positive and even temperament.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Active-Negative.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 4. Question :
The 2000 presidential election is an example of where it is possible to

Student Answer: CORRECT win the popular vote but not have a majority vote in the Electoral College.
become President by losing both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary.
become President without having a recount of ballots.
replace the Electoral College with the principle of one person-one vote.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “The Electoral College.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 5. Question :
Although the Constitution does not provide for the line-item veto, presidents have

Student Answer: always disregarded the Constitution and vetoed items anyway.
in effect exercised it by issuing presidency curbing legislation.
CORRECT in effect exercised it on spending bills through the use of impoundments.
received permission from the courts to veto on a case-by-case basis.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Veto Authority” and “The Budget Reform and Impoundment Act.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 6. Question :
A clientelist is often appointed to be secretary of agriculture because

Student Answer: CORRECT he can serve the interests of farmers.
he is a farmer.
he knows agriculture.
agriculture is not that complex that a specialist is needed.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Types of Political Appointments.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 7. Question :
Theodore Lowi suggested the remedy for cumbersome bureaucracy was

Student Answer: CORRECT returning to juridical democracy.
delegating even more authority.
reducing the size of government.
throwing money at the problem.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Remedies”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 8. Question :
The American bureaucracy conjures up the following images except

Student Answer: cumbersome “red tape.”
civil servants who are inefficient, unresponsive, and unhelpful.
officials who have amassed power and who act against the rights of citizens.
CORRECT a system that can act quickly in a crisis.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Meritocracy and Division of Labor.”
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 9. Question :
A president who appoints a careerist to his cabinet wants

Student Answer: INCORRECT an individual who is an expert in a particular subject.
to rely on policy czars in the White House.
CORRECT an individual who knows his/her way around the Washington establishment.
somebody who will bring with him a political dowry.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “Types of Political Appointments.”
Points Received: 0 of 1

Question 10. Question :
The authority of agencies in the Executive Branch of government comes from

Student Answer: the Constitution.
CORRECT Congressional delegations of authority.
executive prerogative.
executive Branch membership.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section “The Federal Bureaucracy.”
Points Received: 1 of 1
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