If you mean that you need to identify the group in parenthesis, #2 (...) is dependent as is #3.
1.(The hikers walked) until they were exhausted.
2.Has John met the family (who moved in next door)?
3.Gerry needs the book (that is on the shelf).
Identify the word group in () and tell if independent clause or not an independent clause.
3.Not independent
5 answers
I have to identify the word group in () as independent clause or not an independent clause
Hayley, Tracy, whoever --
Stop changing your name to avoid confusion.
dependent = not independent
Stop changing your name to avoid confusion.
dependent = not independent
Sorry not changing my name on purpose. More than one person uses this computer and it saves the name automatically and I thought I clicked on Tracy. Also the question does ask to identify as independent or not an independent.
Do you understand Sra's answer?