1. Students planted three bean seeds. After several days, they observed that the seeds’ roots were growing downward into the soil. Which type of tropism were the roots displaying? (1 point)

A) geotropism ****
B) thigmotropism
C) phototropism
D) photoperiodism

2. Which of the following is necessary for plants to exhibit phototropism? (1 point)
A) gravity
B) touch
C) auxin ****
D) dormancy

3. A vine growing around a lamp post is an example of (1 point)
A) geotropism.
B) thigmotropism.
C) phototropism.*****
D) photoperiodism.

4. A tree that sheds its leaves in the fall is exhibiting (1 point)
A) geotropism.
B) thigmotropism.
C) phototropism.
D) photoperiodism. ********

5. As the nights get longer and the temperatures become cooler, some plants (1 point)
A) enter a state of dormancy, or inactivity.****
B) enter a state where their cells divide and the plant reproduces.
C) enter a state where they begin to sprout leaves.
D) enter a state where the plant responds to touch.

61 answers

I agree with your answers.
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
Danke Schoen Kelly!
kelly is right
100% thx<3
Kelly is right I got 100% for my test Thx!
Are you Sure Its right?
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
3 is b
3 is B for sure
thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thhx peeps, i got 100
peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppppppppsssssssssssssss thanksssssssssssssss
Thanks guys, I got a 100%
Thanks Kelley and everyone I got a 100
Kelly is right %100 thanks
I got 100% on my test thank you sooooo much
thx Kelly
Y'all are a bunch of cheaters. This is a violation of the honor code. You can get kicked out of school for cheating.
thanks so much
Thanks Kelly I got 100
Then so be it @HI
Just hit the woah thanks
Thx Kelly I got 100%
wowww you guys thanks;)

100 yeah you guys are the best
thhhhaaaannnnksss keellllyy
I'm confused on why this is here ._."""
100 % for 2019 and also kelly is sooooooo right
thx kelly
THX KELLY!!! 100% even works for Connexus
@Hi Lol, did you come to this page to tell us that? So what. There's other kids cheating on Brainly. Not just on Jiskka. And just let them cheat. Doesn't really matter.

and I already know people are gonna disagree, oh well. Life is life. '-'
If we are all cheating so is Hi for being on here right? And it is not like we are cheating just helping one another out. Who agree's with me?
Hi is a hyprocrite if you click on his name it comes up a list of subjects that he/she gave answers to! Hi is SOS! You should all click on his name: WARNING! You will get tired of scrolling it is so LONG!
me to ha you think your the best. ha.
I don't get it Meme?
Thanks Kelly I got 100%
@HI i meant you can't be saying anything
Kelly is 100% correct!
yay i gots right 100
eh 80 is good enough for me without this i would have gotten like a 40 so thanks
i got a 80, sniffle sniffle, 4 is d my dumbo self put c, Sob sob,

Oh well its fine i have a hundred anyways lol
kelly was right, joseph was incorrect, i got a 60 listening to joseph you jerk
Thx Kelly
answers are not outdated, Kelly is correct
Any one near allen tx, I recommend the skatepark there. it is AWESOME
thank you so much kelly!! got a 5/5!!!! :>

thaaaanks Kelly I got 100% :)))))
Thx Kelly
thank you kelly
Thx kelly
kelly is right now
thanks kelly
thx kelly
kelly is gucci B)
thank you kelly!!
its not a c b cd is a c b d a
-Whole Quiz-
Which of the following is necessary for plants to exhibit phototropism: auxin

A vine growing around a lamp post is an example of: thigmotropism

A tree that sheds its leaves in the fall is exhibiting: photoperiodism

Students planted three bean seeds. After several days, they observed that the seeds’ roots were growing downward into the soil. Which type of tropism were the roots displaying: geotropism

As the nights get longer and the temperatures become cooler, some plants: enter a state of dormancy, or inactivity