1. Should American foreign policy be based on our values and beliefs or on “real politics” (the real world)? Explain
2. Was American foreign policy, during the period 1890-1917, based upon humanitarian assumptions, bringing about a better world, or were our motives more commercial or Darwinian in nature? Explain.
3. Not many wars that America has been involved in have come about by the U.S. being directly attacked, as in the case of Pearl Harbor. Keeping this in mind, what is the role of the “loyal opposition” to a particular war?
4. In terms of foreign policy, what do you see as negative or positive aspects of basic progressive beliefs?
5. What reasons can you give, which justify America’s intervention in World War I? What reasons can you give, which cast doubt on the justification of World War I and the entrance of the U.S.?
2 answers
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its not homework but i wanted ideas on wat some answers might be...