1. She used to help him with his homework.

2. What can you help him with?
3. I want to help him with something.
4. I want to help him with that.
4-1. I want to help him tie the ribbon.
4-2. I want to help him to tie the ribbon.
(Does 'with' mean about? Can we substitute 'about' or 'concerning' for 'with'? The last 3 sentences are the same, right? )

1 answer

No, "about" and "concerning" do not mean exactly the same thing in the context here. "With" is the best preposition.

And, no, the last three do not all mean the same thing. 4. does not specify what you want to help him do. 4-1 and 4-2 do specify (tie the ribbon). In 4-2, "to tie" is incorrect, or, at best clumsy and redundant. 4-1 is best.