1. radioactive decay occurs when atoms
A- lose mass
B- join with atoms of another element
C- break down to form atoms of another element
D- are exposed to chemical weathering
2. if you want to consult the geologic time scale for when the first vertebrates evolved, where would you look?
A- in the section for the Ordovician period of the paleozoic era.
B- in the section for the quaternary period of the cenozoic era.
C- in the section for the triassic period of the mesozoic era.
D- in the section for precambrian time.
3. Earths atmosphere, oceans, and continents began to form during the first several hundred million years of.
A- precambrian time
B- the paleozoic era.
C- the mesozoic era
D- the cenozoic era
4. During the devonian period, animals that could live on land began to evolve. these animals still spent part of there lives in the water. what where these animals called?
A- trilobites.
B- reptiles.
C- amphibians.
D- dinosaur.
5. which of the following events occurred during the mesozoic era?
A- dinosaurs became common on lane.
B- whales and dolphins evolved in the ocean.
C- reptiles evolved on land.
D- the supercontinent Pangaea formed.
6. which of the following vertebrates had the chance to become abundant after the dinosaurs became extinct?
A- woolly mammoths.
B- amphibians.
C- mammals.
D- reptiles.
7. which of the following organisms is not extinct?
A- the dodo bird.
B- the saber-tooth tiger.
C- the saltwater crocodile.
D- the Carolina parakeet.
8. During which section of the geologic time scale did the first modern humans evolved?
A- during the paleogene period of the cenozoic era.
B- during the quaternary period of the Cenozoic era.
C- during the cretaceous period of the mesozoic era.
D- during precambrian time.
9. if a geologist found two fossil of different species buried next to each other in a rock layer, he or she might hypothesize that the two organisms may have been alive during the same time period?
10. a species might become extinct when a disastrous event, such as a meteorite impact, occurs.
2 answers