1. Put two scrambled word pieces together and make one complete word.

2. There are scrambled word piece cards on the table. Find two scrambled word pieces which can become a word.

3. Combine two scrambled word pieces with each other and make a sentence.

4. Choose one word and make a sentence with it.

5. Pick up one word, and make a sentence containing the word.

6. Pick one word and write a sentence in the blank having the word.

(Would you check the English sentences and corret them if there are any errors?)

2 answers

#6 is not quite clear. write a sentence in the blank having the word.

the blank should be blank and not have the word? Perhaps "write a sentence in the blank with the word? Or better yet "write a sentence with the word in the blank.

#1 would be clearer if you said "scrambled word cards." "Card" seems clearer than "piece" for the remaining sentences.

No comma for #5.

6. Unclear. If a blank has a word, it is not blank.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.