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War of 1812: Part I
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Question 1

“Impressment” refers to which of these situations?

A taking back landtaking back land

B refusing to negotiaterefusing to negotiate

C alliances with Native Americansalliances with Native Americans

D seizing sailors against their willseizing sailors against their will
Question 2

The Embargo Act of 1807 __________.

A cut off trade in all foreign portscut off trade in all foreign ports

B forbid trade with Britainforbid trade with Britain

C helped manufacturershelped manufacturers

D stopped importsstopped imports
Question 3

Who was the US President when the War of 1812 began?

A George WashingtonGeorge Washington

B John AdamsJohn Adams

C Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson

D James Madison

1 answer

Here are the answers to your questions about the War of 1812:

Question 1: “Impressment” refers to which of these situations?

  • D seizing sailors against their will

Question 2: The Embargo Act of 1807 __________.

  • A cut off trade in all foreign ports

Question 3: Who was the US President when the War of 1812 began?

  • D James Madison