1. My boy friend is dancing on stage.

2. My boyfriend is dancing on the
(Which one is right? Do I have to use 'the' or not?)

3. I'm listning to news.
4. I'm listening to the news.
(Do I have to use 'the' or not herre?)

2 answers

Both 1 and 2 are correct. If you use "the" then usually you are referring to a particular stage in a particular theater. If you don't use "the" then usually you are referring to his performing in different theaters, depending on his schedule. It's more of a general term, not referring to one particular theater's stage.

3 is not used often unless you are going to state what type of news you're listening (watch the spelling) to, such as "I'm listening to news about the wildfire" or "Have you heard any news about the election?"
4 is correct.
Both 1 and 2 are grammatically correct; however you do not hat to use 'the'.

In 3 and 4, using 'the' is preferable.