1) Mr. customs is correcting the class's math homework on customary units. which of the following measurements is reasonable?

A. a pencil is 12 feet long
B. the back porch is 12 inches wide
C. the 3rd hole on the golf court is 123 miles long
D. the distance from new York to California is 2,250 miles long
( I did not understand this question but im thinking b I don't really know

2)what is the best unit of measurements for the length of the distance one end of your textbook to the other end of your textbook?

A. inch
B. foot***
C. yard
D. mile

3) what is the best unit measurement for the capacity of a travel-size bottle of shampoo?

A. fluid ounces
B. pints***
C. quarts
D. gallon

what is the best unit measurement for two sixth grade students?

A. ounce
B. pound***
C. tons
D. cup

PLZ HELP I NEED ALL I CAN GET its already overdue and I need to get it done

91 answers

1. No.
12 inches is the length of a ruler. A standard piece of paper is almost 12 inches long.

2. No. Measure your textbook.

3. No.

4. Yes.
I don't have a ruler to measure my textbook and is #3 A and #1 still don't understand
MS.SUE plz help me
2. Go buy a cheap ruler.

3. A is right.

1. A. Is a pencil as long as your bedroom?
B. no.
C. Can a person drive a golf ball for many miles?
D. Google distance California to New York.
I cant just go but a heap ruler its 10:42p.m where I live and what no a pencil is not the size of my room and can u just tell me the answers I was sick and I missed a lot so a lot r overdue if I don't get this done my math grade wil be a F plzzzz just help me
Remember that a standard piece of computer paper is 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches. Use it to measure feet and inches.
The answer is Ayy its lit
ik can u tell me the answers
1-A Idk
2-A I think
Hi i go to connexus so i know the answers and i just took it and got a 100% the answers are

Idiot. A PORCH IS NOT 12 INCHES WIDE. Even I have a waist bigger than 12 inches.
This is considered cheating. Anoumonus and Jenna Brenn, please webmail me or call me, and I want to hear it from you that you went on a website and cheated by giving and asking for answers. I am going to fail you both on this test.
Mrs. Schultz
NCA Grade 6
And Ms. Sue, please stop telling these children the answers. They need to know how to solve the problems on their own.
Mrs. Schultz
NCA Grade 6




anyonomus is right! I got a 100%
yes he is took it got a big fat 100
Mrs. Schulz, do you realize this website is for people asking for help? I'm not in connexus but yeah alot of people on this website are, you cannot stop her/him from giving children answers. It is there choice to give answers just like it is everyone elses choice to give there answers on there website
-Alexis Rose
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B
1) D
2) A
3) A
4) B
I got 100!!!
anomosis is right!!
Most of yall are right, including anonymous. I got a tiny bit fuddled with the 1 and 2, but she/he just means a and b. And I completely agree with Alexis Rose, but please don't get mad at me Ms. Schulz. You scare me a tiny bit.
- Shopkin.
yes! aynounomous idc how to spell his/her name but hes right
Yay! 100% answers are;

dont trust her
Mrs. Schulz, It is their choice. I mean no disrespect but this site wasn't meant for giving answers, It was actually meant to help people understand their questions so they don't fail the big tests. Forgive me but if these kids are coming to an online site for help instead of school obviously something is wrong. They should first off already be able to do these questions if your school is teaching them correctly. If they are not coming for help and are only coming for answers it is stupid on their part because when they have a test they aren't able to cheat on it's gonna bite them in the butt, although if they are under so much pressure to get good grades they must cheat then your school is doing something wrong. Now I think the students shouldn't be scared to ask for help an/or ask for explanations.
yes! i got 100 thank you guys
Its actually D A B D A
if u go to connexus julio is right :]
Ms. Schulz just stop if you think this site is bad why r you on it?!? Huh
cool boy there aren't 5 questions, and
is correct i got a 100 also read the answers horizontally
DAAB<------what i did when i got a 100 XD
all these people are right mister shultz your school is doing something wrong or you are also to every body else i got an 100 and maybey its a good idea to not put your real name.
The answer are.
Mrs.Schulz, it's not cheating if you're still learning from it! That's what Jiskha is for! You shouldn't fail them on a test. Besides, how would you feel if you got failed a test for trying to HELP people? Exactly. Think before you act.
-Ahri Martinez
Also thank you so much guys I'm not doing god in math!
I meant good not god
hey guys, if ya go to connexus, and your in 6th grade, tell me your name, cuz im in connexus and in 6th grade :)
Anonymous is correct 4/4
For Connections Academy students the answers are
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. A
I got a hundred on this
They aren't cheating Mrs. Schulz, your school is most likely doing somthing wrong if they have to go to this site in the first place, so don't fail them, you are just screaching in their ear and that won't help them, i would recommend that you sit down with them and think to yourself "what should i do to help these children understand the unit better" instead of failing them.
And Ms.Sue is just helping them by narrowing the answer down, so she did nothing wrong
jiskha is a Homework Help, not a cheat sheet so this site is fine aswell so backoff
Mr shuiltz, whatever yo name is, think about y yor on this website first of all yor clearly learning from thus website to, ok IM I BEING CLEAR, u need to not give yor students a 0 for getting help, ok, they r helping other ppl to, so yo should give them a good grade not a 0 honey, and mrs sue i dont know who u talking to, u got me messed up if u talking to some kids like dat
the heck
If you go to connexs the answers are
Have a great day and be safe we all deserve to get good grades.
got 100%
you guys this is considered cheating giving other people answers to whole thing
Thanks to everyone because everyone is correct
the answers are really
I got a 100
who is pip
These are the right answers:
yay shoutouts to anynonomys D A A B
could also = dab LOL
She just mad she didn’t think about creating a site like this instead of becoming a teacher like go to work instead of bullying kids online don’t you have a job?!
y’all were doing this in 2019. now it’s 2020 and the answers stayed the same but I go to another quiz and they all got em right in 2019 but I failed in 2020.
@ooooooooooooooooooooooof, if this is cheating why are you on here? Wouldn't that ,make YOU cheating because yes there are answers on here and if you are on here your looking at them. No one on this page knows what your doing so you COULD BE using the answers and "cheating". Next time when your trying to get everyone in trouble, maybe double check to see if it makes sense. Now, @Mrs. Schultz:) from teacher to teacher, aren't you on here to help the children and make them understand? Again there are answers on here but that's because the child asked for help nicely and they gave it to them . Honestly there's no way to help without sometimes giving the answers. So mind your own business and if your not gonna help, please leave the site. Have a wonderful day!
-Mrs. Lilly:)
(and actually you cant have them contact you because you could be some fifty year old man and if they call you, you can pull up all their info so be safe kids!)
Mrs. Lilly!!!! Us teachers are supposed to agree!!! Now i will not get off this page but here's what you do on the test.

So you take the 12 and replace it with a x and x time x =------- (you have to get that) and then what you do is you take the answer(xx) and / it by10 because that's how many shirts she has wore this week. The u take that answer and put replace the xx with is(xxx) and then u take how many hair cuts it takes to grow a tree and this is you equation.

now all you have to do it answer the equation and boom! your done! hope this helps.
Uhhh mrs shultz.....
why not
The answers for math 6A unit 7
1. The distance from New York to California is 2250 miles
2. Inch
3. Fluid ounces
4. Pounds
I hope you get 100% have a great day!🥳🤩😜
guys please don't cheat. I understand if your checking your answer or learning how to do it but please don't use someone else's answers.
Mrs. Schultz,

You shouldn't be asking for children to "contact" you, it's inappropriate, ESPECIALLY online. You can argue all day with children and actual teachers, but you should ask for personal information, isn't that what you would teach in school if you are so a teacher?

Anyways, please stay away from these people, we are all trying to get through this homework, and helping each other isn't bad if the school is teaching the material wrong.

I am not trying to be rude but guys cheating does not get you ahead! if you cheat and your on a class and the teacher asks for you to awnser the question you won't know! :<
Some of these individuals on here are LC who are verifying their children’s work prior to submission, to make sure that they are on track and doing the curriculum correctly!! Some flat refuse to spend hours of their personal time to “grade” a test that They may or may not know how to do. Especially when The parents/ LC are not the said student. It’s not our responsibility. If someone wants to check their work to make sure they are doing it right, what’s the problem? Teachers here getting mad because they don’t actually teach them how to do it anymore. Sometimes people need help . Ca sucks. And technically it’s a violation of ca policy to ask for the children to identify themselves online- you could be a weirdo or a psycho killer. Kids do NOT EVER give out your real name or your private information to anyone online!!!!

Please stop fighting! THE ANSWERS ARE

Mrs. Schulz..... Like i said to the fake Mrs. Sue ....... PISS OFF
hey yall need to stop giving answers kids need to do there best not from a dum website!
Here are the answers! I just took the quick check and got an 100%.

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B
She should not have failed those kids what are ya so mean for Mrs whatever your name is
Hello I am good trust
is correct but incase it changes the answers are
The distance from New York to California
fluid ounce
Trust me because I am Good Trust
Hoorah i got won hondrad(●'◡'●) eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh ooooooooooohhhhhhh aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooga oooooga ooooga oogaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
When me get 100. DAAB BOIS!!!!!! | | YAY! The answer is DAAB
<> /
Use Grammarly if you don't know how to spell a simple word like MAYBE. You idiots.
Multiple Choice
1. Mr. Customs is correcting the class's math homework on customary units. Which of the following
measurements is reasonable?
O A pencil is 12 feet long.
O The back porch is 12 inches wide.
O The 3rd hole on the golf course is 123 miles long.
O The distance from New York to California is 2,250 miles. My answer is D
2. What is the best unit of measurement for the length of the distance from one end of your textbook to the (1 point)
other end of your textbook?
O inch
O foot
O yard
O mile
My answer is A
Lol DAAB for some reason that's the correct answers in order
OH SHUT IT we just needhelp :C
Were totally lost :(
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B

also thats a fake ms. sue. she has a outline of a person on her username
Dear Mrs. Schulz,

Children like me, have trouble with math, in 5th grade we'd do something where we'd answer as many multiplication problems as possible, all the other students started at 5 minutes, then to 4 minutes, then to 3, and so on, meanwhile I had to start at 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, so on and so fourth. Please mind when your students are having trouble.

-From Mr. Abing's Home room, ACA, D.C.W.
Dear everyone who thinks we are "cheating". WE ARE OK?!?! WE ARE HAVING TROUBLE SO WE ARE ON THIS WEBSITE TO ASK FOR HELP!!!!!!!!! SO SHUT THE PIEHOLES OK??! I HAVE LOST SANITY AND MY ANXIETY IS RISING! Btw if Mr. Abing sees this, I want to let you know that these questions are getting so hard. on imagine math I had this question, THIS QUESTION!!! ("To prevent spam, posting of URLs is currently disabled. We are working to enable URLs again soon.")
(Btw the question looked LIKE A QUESTION FOR HIGH-SCHOOLERS!!)
So please understand HOW HARD THIS IS GETTING!!!!
i'm giving you a A+ in math
ike Mr. Abring. Down with mean teacher's! PS thanks for helping me check my work.
@wowzahehe is really smart, they gave a full essay about the website and how it should not be considered cheating
Yeah, WAIT WHAT! I put Mr Abring by accident I ment to put Mrs, Schulz. Sorry Mr. Abring
The answers are,
1, D. The distance between New York and California is 2,250
2, A. Inch
3, A. fluid ounces
4, B. pound
Your welcome, have a merry Christmas