Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Yes, they are well written. The difference between chant and song:
1 : SONG
2 a : PLAINSONG b : a rhythmic monotonous utterance or song c : a composition for chanting
1 : the act or art of singing
2 : poetical composition
3 a : a short musical composition of words and music b : a collection of such compositions
4 : a distinctive or characteristic sound or series of sounds (as of a bird or insect)
5 a : a melody for a lyric poem or ballad b : a poem easily set to music
6 a : a habitual or characteristic manner b : a violent, abusive, or noisy reaction <put up quite a song>
7 : a small amount <sold for a song>
1. Listen to the following chant carefully.
2.Sing the chant together to the rhythm.
3. Make groups of five and using the following expressions, make a chant.
4. Group by group sing the chant.
Are the expressions above correct? Would you check them?
What is the difference between 'chant' and 'song'?
1 answer