1. List all the functional groups found in Levadopa.(Note: There is no typo for the word "Levadopa", I said that because when I looked up in a google search,it had it should be Levodopa, but I'm sure what I am looking for is levadopa.)

My mind:
-amino ( not sure whether it is amido or amino)
Any others?

2. List all the functional groups found in Progesterone.
My mind:
- any other?

3. Also for Vitamin C, what are the functional groups present there?
My mind:
- hydroxyl
Any others?

Thank you!

1 answer

Vitamin C. Do you see an ester? An alkene?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C

2. Carbonyls, yes. alkene? cyclic alkanes?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progesterone

1. I wonder if this is the levorotatory form of dopa? So I looked up dopa on google and there is an L-dopa. Here it is.
If that is what you are looking for, then I see benzene ring, amino group, hydroxy groups, carboxylic acid,etc. However, this is levo and leva.