1.) Into which two hemispheres would an island at 50 degrees South, 60 degrees West be placed? Which of the five themes are reflected in your answer?

2.) How do the winds and the oceans distribute heat on the earth's surface?

My answer: The motion od the ocean helps distribute heat on the planet when winds over the ocean and are either heated or cooled by the water. Also, when the winds eventually blows over the land, they moderate the temperature of the air over the land.

3). How are relief and topography related?

My answer: Relief and topography is related because relief is a part of topography, referring to the elevations and depression characteristics of a surface.

5 answers

Your answers are correct.

What about the first question? Into which two hemispheres is the island at 50 degrees South, 60 degrees West located? Which theme?
Fifty degrees South is south of the Equator. Everything south of the Equator is in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sixty degrees West is west of the Prime Meridian and therefore in the Western Hemisphere.

Study these maps to get a good picture of the different hemispheres.


Location is the theme reflected in this answer.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
thankyouu :)