1. In front of the Georgia General Assembly in 1971, newly elected Governor

Jimmy Carter said, "the time for ... discrimination is over," fulfilling what
campaign promise?
(A)reorganize the state government
(B)promote racial equality
(C)make government agencies more efficient
(D)modernize the state government?

17 answers

He was talking about discrimination against people of other races than white politician.
Georgia State history 8 B, Unit 4 Lesson 9

1. B. Promote racial equality.
2. B. Including the Confederate battle flag within the new state flag.
3. A. They left weaker economies and harsher climates.

Copied answers from my graded test.
Anon is 100% right
anon is right!!!!
Thank you yes
Still right for April 13th 2022
wow your earlier than me lol @htsrhtdyjy
no it's not correct for 2022
I swear on my life I'm not lying
thx @liars, 100%
Anon is right :)
liars! is wrong :(
ye Anon is right
Liars!!! is a liar!
Get the pun? LOL
your not funny
but yeah Liars!! is wrong