1.identify your human rights violation and explain in an introductory paragraph why you choose the specific human rights violation

2.describe the three human rights violations and give at least two examples of such violations you found in your research
3.critically discuss six ways that the human rights violations influences individuals, groups and the broader south Africa community
4.make six suggestions on how to combat the violations of human rights identified by you in your research and indicate how they combat the human rights violations

34 answers

When you have written something in answer to these questions/assignments, we'll be glad to check them.

As you can see from the thousands of times these questions have been posted here, not one student has ever attempted to address them. I am beginning to think you are all being taught nothing in school, or sleep through your classes. Soon, tutors here will ignore these "life orientation" questions, or just delete them. We will not do your homework for you.
Fair trial
identify your human rights violations and explain why you choose the specific human rights violation
everyone has the right to life and to be free.
1.freedom of expression -because many youngsters are being beaten by their friends for saying what they think its right for them
fair trail
By not giving people care when needing it
l. o
Identify your 3 human rights violations or discrimination and explain in an introductory paragraph why you choose the specific human rights violations or discrimination
Human Rights they have the rights for freedom(living free).The right to be educated. The right for democracy.
Discrimination is to treat people unfair
life orientation anonymous
The violations of human rights must be protected by all countryments
Racial.discrimination is very and mostly taken likely,,, xenophobic attacks are results of such,standing against such means saving lives, somebody's mom or dad.
Identify your 3human rights violations or discrimination
Maths geography life orientation
Everyone has right to life and to be free.human right they have the right for freedom (living free).
Each an every person has the right to go to the party, the right to be educated, the right to breath, the right for freedom
3 human rights
Everyone has the rights to live with the risponsibility of every decision you take.
Of this all questions
Everyone has right to speak
Six ways that the human rights violation influence individuals,groups and the broader south african
Stand for you self.do what ever it take as long as u will get good results.
Six ways that the human rights violations influences individuals,groups and the broader South African community
Six ways in which individual groups and the broader south African community can influence by human right violation
Excluding a potential employee during a recruitment process based on their religion, gender, and their age. As an employer condoning and practising all these violations leads the community to now start practising them as well.
Free society an free to live