1.how was the suit the catawba brought against south carolina and the federal government resolved?

a. the catawba received their ancestral burial grounds
b.the catawba received the land on which the city of rock hill stands
c. the cataba received a large trect of land, money, and the right to control their internal affairs.
d. the catawba did not receive anything , because the u.s supreme court refused to hear the case**

2.how did the 1974 arab oil embargo affect south carolina and the nation?
a.the united states began drilling for oil in alaska
b.many homeowners converted from oil to electric or natural gas heat
c.the united states stopped buying oil from the middle east and the middle east stopped buying south carolina's products**
d. the price of oil throughout the world declined as nations positioned themselves to draw

3.jimmy carter carried south carolina in the 1976 presidential election. what was noticeable about the event?
a. it was the first time a south carolinian was elected president of the united states **
b. it was the first time a democrat won the presidentaial election since john f kennedy
c. it showed that south carolinians were more interested in fogeign policy that domestic policy
d.it meant south carolina had more electoral votes than most other states

6 answers

I don't know about #1. Your answers for 2 and 3 are wrong.
2. b
3. b
#2 - I don't think so.
#3 - b is correct (in South Carolina, Lyndon Johnson won the election in 1964, but did not carry South Carolina)
2.a bc I really don't think it is d but idk
Question #2 - I don't think a great many people switched from oil heat to natural gas or electric as a result of the 1973 oil embargo. The Alaska oil "boom" started in 1968 with the discovery of the Prudhoe Bay field; the pipeline was completed in 1977 and production was fully underway. It can't be a result of the OPEC embargo, but may have been hastened by it. Recheck your textbook or assigned reading on question #2.
For question 1, about the Catawba Nation, again, read your text materials. If that fails, look here:
