1. He started on a journey.

2. He went on a journey.
3. He began on a journey.
4. He was on a journey.
5. He took a journey.
6. He made a journey.

(Are all grammatical? Do they have the same meaning?)

7. The bread smells bad.
8. The bread smells like a bad fish.
9. The dog smelled the food.

(Are the three sentences correct?)

10. Here you go.
11. Here it is.
12. Here they are.
13. Here you are.
(When a clerk hands something to a customer, he can use the epxressions above. Do they have the same meaning?)

1 answer

#3 = delete "on" = He began a journey.

the same? not exactly. #1 and #3 are the beginning only. #2, #5, # 6 = the journey is over and done with. #4 You imagine him somewhere during the journey.

#7 - 9 are OK

#11 is handing only one thing. #12 you are handing at least 2 things. The rest are non-specific as to what was handed over.
