1. He likes to ride a skateboard.
2. He likes to take a skateboard.
[#1 is correct. What other verbs can we use instead of 'ride'? Can we use 'take'?]
2 answers
I don't know of any synonym for "ride" a skateboard. However, "skateboard" can also be a verb -- such as "I'll skateboard to the park."
you can use the words:
drive, mongo*, move around while riding on skateboard, steering around while riding the skateboard
*mongo is most skaters push their skateboards with their back foot, but sometimes skaters find it easier to push with their front foot instead. This is called pushing "mongo."
drive, mongo*, move around while riding on skateboard, steering around while riding the skateboard
*mongo is most skaters push their skateboards with their back foot, but sometimes skaters find it easier to push with their front foot instead. This is called pushing "mongo."