1, 2, and 3 all mean exactly the same thing.
4 and 6 mean the same thing. 5 is in the present tense (cheat). Does he cheat on the same test each time he takes it? Or did he cheat when he took it once? 4 and 6 mean he cheated when he took it once.
1. He admitted cheating on the test.
2. He admitted that he had cheated on the test.
3. He admitted that he cheated on the test.
(Does #1 mnean #2 or #3?)
4. I'll admit cheating on the test.
5. I'll admit that I cheat on the test.
6. I'll admit that I cheated on the test.
(Does #4 mean #5 or #6?)
2 answers
Why does it say I'll admit cheating on the test. im Confused