(1)give the standdard difination of a library(2)differentiate b/w a school library and an academic library taken into consideration thier service provision(3)list and explain the functions of a library(4)using suitable examples, what are the roles/improtance of a library in education, learning and research(5)list out the users information service department and units in the polytechnic library and mention at least four information materials found in each(6)give the two types of library information materials and explain any two example of each type(7)what is a classification scheme?(8)state the alphabert representing books in your department in the amin class of the library of congress classification scheme(9)expalin the roles of the following department/division in the library (a)collection development department (b)technical service department(10)provide the main class as represented by the dewey decimal classification scheme(11)what is a library cataogue?(12)list any five functions of a library catalog(13)mention any five content of the library catalogue(14)describe any two forms of a library catalogue

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