Which part of this assignment don't you understand?
standard deviation?
1. Find the mean, median, and range for each of the two data sets?
2. Find the standard deviation using the rule of thumb for each of the data sets.
3. Compare the two sets and describe what you discover.
The following data sets shows the ages of the first seven presidents (President Washington through President Jackson) and the seven most recent presidents including President Obama. Age is given at time of inauguration.
First 7: 57 61 57 57 58 57 61
Second 7: 61 52 69 64 46 54 47
4 answers
how to do the problem? I'm lost
First do this:
1. Find the mean, median, and range for each of the two data sets.
The mean is the average. Add each set of numbers together and divide by 7 to find the mean.
The median is the middle number. Arrange each set in numerical order and find the middle number.
The range is the difference between the highest number and the lowest number.
Please post your answers, and I'll help you with the rest of this assignment.
1. Find the mean, median, and range for each of the two data sets.
The mean is the average. Add each set of numbers together and divide by 7 to find the mean.
The median is the middle number. Arrange each set in numerical order and find the middle number.
The range is the difference between the highest number and the lowest number.
Please post your answers, and I'll help you with the rest of this assignment.
The range rule of thumb says that the range is approximately four times the standard deviation.