1. Determine the speaker's attitude in thee lines: "Lo, all our pomp of yesterday/is one with Nineveh and Tyre!"

a. the speaker feels Britain's greatness is similiar to that of ancient cities.
b. The speaker believes the greatness of Britain could disappear, just as did that of Nineveh and tyre.
c. The speaker feels that the greatness of Britain could disappear, jus as did that of Nineveh and Tyre.
d. The speaker believes that great cities or nations all hold the same attitudes toward power and success, which contribute to their greatness.

2. To whom does the title of "The Widow at Windsor" refer?
a. The speaker's mther
b. te poet's mother
c. an old woman in an old house
d. Queen Victoria

3. What does the speaker remeber in remembrance?
a. Her home
b. her sister
c. the one she loved
d. her country

1 answer

It would certainly help to know WHICH specific piece of British literature is being referred to here?
