1. Joey lifts a heavy backpack off the ground.as he lifts the backpack,he keeps his legs straight and uses his biceps and back muscles to lift.in your analysis of joeys's form,you conclude he needs to use his
A. arm muscles and keep his head up
B. back muscles and keep his feet together
C. chest muscles and bend more at the hips
D. leg muscles and keep his back straight
2. Jason is doing modified hurdler stretches with a friend.The friend,who is more flexible than jason,sits on the ground,keeps a slight bend in his knee,touches his toes,tucks his head,stretches through the pain,and wears loose clothing.Jason wants to be more flexible,so he analyzes his friends movement,decides his friends's form is proper,and tries to copy his friend.Critique jason's analysis.
A. correct analysis,except for stretching through the pain
B. correct analysis,except for tucking his head
C. incorrect analysis,except for keeping a slight knee bend.
D. incorrect analysis,except for keeping a slight knee bend.
3. Coach cardio tells his class to do five perfect modified push-ups. Which one of your friends has perfect form?
A. jason has his toes on the floor,legs and back in a straight line,hands under his chest,and elbows bent to 90 degrees.
B. joey has his toes and knees on the floor,legs and back in a straight line,hands under his chest and elbows bent to 45 degrees
C. kai has her toes and knees on the floor,legs and back in a straight line,hands under her shoulders,and elbows bent to 90 degrees
D. katie has her toes and knees on the floor,back flat with rear end over the knees,hands under her shoulders,and elbows bent to 45 degrees
4. You are jogging with kai. She is struggling.To maintain her safety,kai should use which method to assess her intensity?
A. checking how much she is sweating
B. noting her level of thirst
C. trying to hold a short conversation with you
D. trying to jog faster than you
5. Which of the following pieces of home-made equipment are appropriate for use?
A. a brick,some rope,and a stick that you found on the side of the road
B. some old bottles you found in the garage
C. the welcome mat and your sisters's jump rope
D. your neighbor's bicycle inner tubes
6. Recalling the FITT principles,decide which principle is used when you continue to exercise regularly so that you keep the benefits you have gained from exercise
A. intensity
B. overload
C. reversibility
D. specificity
7. running up a hill instead of on a flat surface will increase which principle of fitness?
A. intensity
B. specificity
C. time
D. tedium
8. Evaluate the scenarios and select the one that demonstrates the training principle of overload.
A. jack runs two days a week instead of three
B. joey starts to do more than he normally does in training
C. katie stays consistent in her routine
D. maggie's training starts off at a comfortable level and builds slowly
9. Evaluate the scenarios and select the one that demonstrates the training principle of progession.
A. jack runs two days a week instead of three
B. joey slowly builds from jumping without a medicine ball to with a medicine ball
C. katie stays consistent in her routine
D. sarah lifts more weight than she normally does
10. the coach has not seen improvement as expected in his team and plans to change the practice session.to give the players more opportunity for skill practice he lengthens practice,and uses the fitness principle of
A. frequency
B. tedium
C. time
D. specificity
11. Chantelle wants to win an upcoming jump rope competition.her friend tells her she should jog to get in shape,but chantelle decides that jumping rope would be the best way to get in shape.which principle of finess is chantelle using?
A. intensity
B. overload
C. specificity
D. tedium
12. Kevin wants to develop bigger muscles.What can he do to achieve this?
A. climb a tree and do push ups every day
B. drink a sports drink every day
C. have muscle implant surgery
D. read muscle magazines in class
1 answer