1. CheckPoint: Identifying Fallacies
• Resource: Ch. 6 End-of-Chapter Exercises and the Answers, Suggestions, and Tips for Triangle Exercises section of Critical Thinking
• Complete Exercise 6-6 on pp. 194-196 of Critical Thinking. You are not required to complete questions displaying a triangle symbol.
• Copy and paste the question numbers and answers into the body of a post. If you submit the assignment as an attachment PLEASE make sure that the attachment is readable. If it is not readable you will be deducted 10% for each day that it takes to resubmit the assignment up to 40% as per Axia guidelines.
• While there is no ONE (1) correct answer, there is definitely some answers that are more correct than others.
• For this assignment EACH question will be worth 5 points.
2 answers
Some christians and other groups are portesting against the placing, on federal property near the white house, of a set of plastic figurines representing a devout Jewish family in ancient Judaea. The protestors would of course deny that they are driven by any anti-semitic motivation. Still, we wonder: would they raise the same oblsections(of unconstitutionality, etc.) if the scene depicted a modern, secularized Gentile family?