1. CheckPoint: Effects of Stress

You are currently an associate at an advertising agency where you have worked for two
years. You are pursuing a promotion to the position of advertising executive. While you
have expected to put in extra hours and some added responsibility as part of earning the
promotion, your boss has increased your workload significantly, including some projects
which had been assigned to other associates. You have more deadlines than you think
you can meet plus the creative pressure of creating new and innovative material for your
· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
· Answer each of the following questions in 50 to 75 words:
1. What steps of the general adaptation syndrome will I experience?
2. What emotional and cognitive effects might this stressor produce?
3. If this stress continues, how might it affect my health?
4. How might I resolve this situation effectively to reduce my stress?
· Post your response to the individual forum.

4 answers

Ann, we do not do your homework for you. When you have done some reading and "note-taking", please repost with your thoughts on these questions. One of the teachers will be happy to comment and make suggestions.
try and look through your book
Every human being has the capacity to work for certain number of hours per day. If one works more than that it will either be physical exhaustion or mental exhaustion. Usually this is around 6-8 hours per day depending on the type of work.
In this case since your work is white collar job you can work maximim 6-7 hours per day with 10 minutes interval every hour.You must take weekly off.You must have minimum 6 hours sleep per day. You must eat in time. And see your family doctor every year for any stress related problems
Here are some articles that might be helpful:


I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.